convert everything from video tag to ascii text
demo ->
just click/tap the text
- camera: make video source is from camera
- src: is make the video is from file you pick from your computer or phone, im not using your video, this asciivideo is working offline after the page is loaded
- width: letter length to be applied for asciivideo, if you put 100 so it will be 100 letters, and the height is automatic following video scale
- color1: add color to the text using this metode 1 is fastes coloring letters, but you will find the wrong thing later
- color2: there is no something wrong but lagg, but you can try change the width less than 50 but you cant see the image
- theme: we have 2 themes, night and light, night is black background with white text, and light is the ememy of people who like coding, white background make the eyes burning,and the text is black
- edge: is image post processing that will detect edge from video/camera
- bloom: make text shadow so it looks like bold text
- char kind: there is 3 type of text that will be used as grayscale colors, but my favourite is number one, click or tap the number to change
- paused/played: tap this to play or pause the video
this is sample output, you can tap it to play or pause the video.