##Please look at the base documentation on the original API page.
Creates a library of functions for the ease of use for the osu!api in Lua.
After installing the correct dependancies, place osuapi.lua
in the same folder as your project and add the following line.
dofile( 'osufile.lua' )
Arguments and responses are the same on the original API documentation page.
Responses are returned as tables, not as JSON.
osu:GetBeatmaps( key, since, beatmapset_id, beatmap_id, user_id, user_type, mode, autoconvert, limit )
osu:GetUser( key, user_id, mode, user_type, event_days )
osu:GetScores( key, beatmap_id, user_id, mode, user_type )
osu:GetUserBest( key, user_id, mode, limit, user_type )
osu:GetUserRecent( key, user_id, mode, limit, user_type )
osu:GetMatch( key, match_id )