A framework for unit testing your JSON REST APIs. Write test cases in typescript like language.
Download the ubuntu build from here and install it using below command.
$ sudo dpkg -i ./jsonapiunit_0.1.3_amd64.deb
Clone the AUR and install.
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/jsonapiunit.git
cd jsonapiunit
makepkg -si
Download pre-built binary from here and run it.
Download binaries or build the JSONAPIUnit on your PC and run jsonapiunit
on your terminal.
JSONAPIUnit looks for a jsonapiunit.jsonc
configuration file in the project root folder.
Users can define default request headers or method by placing a property named default
in their config file. This property is optional.
property allow users to define their base URL. After that users can define a relative URL in their test cases. This property is optional. JSONAPIUnit using RFC3986 standard to combine the URLs.
// jsonapiunit.jsonc
// ...
// In the test case
// ...
A proxy to use for outgoing https requests. Users can define their proxy settings by adding a new property named proxy
to their config file.
// jsonapiunit.jsonc
// This property is required
"uri": "proxy uri",
// These properties are optional
"username": "username to the proxy server",
"password": "proxy server password"
Users can provide their own file path pattern for tracking test cases. By default JSONAPIUnit will tracking the apiTest/*.jsonc
// jsonapiunit.jsonc
// ...
"files": "tests/*.json"
Users can provide variables to use in test cases. These variables creating on initialization.
// jsonapiunit.jsonc
// ...
This is a example test case for JSONAPIUnit.
// This property is optional if you
// provided a default request method
// in config file
// Prompt user to insert a password
// to send with the request
// and storing it in a new variable
// named `password`.
// You can access this variable in
// other test cases
"password":"{{ > password: string }}"
// This property is optional if you
// provided a default request method
// in config file
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"response": {
// Creating a new variable named token and checking the type
"token":"{{ token: string }}",
// Checking the type without creating a new variable
"mileage": "{{ number }}",
"limit": "{{ limit:number }}",
// Save the value to a variable named anotherLimit and
// compare it with previously created variable
"anotherLimit": "{{ anotherLimit:number && (anotherLimit >= limit) }}"
This is a sample output of JSONAPIUnit.
STARTED : apiTest/b_userDetails.jsonc
PASSED : Assertion: HTTP_STATUS_200, Value: HTTP_STATUS_200
FAILED : Assertion: "{{ limit:number }}", Value: Not Supplied
PASSED : Assertion: "{{string}}", Value: "Muththaiya Muralitharan"
PASSED : Assertion: true, Value: true
FAILED : Assertion: "{{usage: number && usage<=limit}}", Value: Not Supplied
PASSED : Assertion: "{{string}}", Value: "murali"
FAILED TEST CASE : Name: apiTest/b_userDetails.jsonc, Reason: "Some assertion(s) failed.", Assertions: 5, Fails: 2, TotAssertions: 13, TotFails: 2
Users can run working example by executing following commands.
$ cargo build --all
$ cd example
$ cargo run
// Open an another terminal in current directory and run bellow command parallely.
$ ../target/debug/json-api-tester
JSONAPIUnit enable users to create dynamic requests based on previously requests.
Normal request:-
// ...
Users can insert their inputs before sending the request.
// Test Case
// ...
// ...
"password":"{{> password: string}}"
Sending previously created variables in request body or request headers.
// Test Case
// catId is a previously created variable
// token is also a previously created variable
"Authorization": "Bearer {{token}}"
Check the exact type of response data. Available types are string
and object
// Test Case
// ...
// ...
"name" : "{{string}}",
"limit" : "{{number}}",
"nick_name" : "{{string|null}}"
JSONAPIUnit currently not supporting to use multiple conflicting types. Ex:- number|string
, object|array
Assign JSON value to a new variable.
// Test Case
// ...
// ...
"name": "{{name:string}}",
"limit": "{{ limit: number }}",
"nick_name": "{{ nickName: string|null }}"
You can use these variables to validate other assertions on same test case or another test cases.
Compare data with previously created variables or other hard coded values.
// Test Case
// ...
// ...
// mileageLimit is a previously created variable
"mileage":"{{mileage:number && mileage <= mileageLimit}}",
"billCount": "{{billCount:number && billCount > 0}}",
"name": "{{name: string && name == 'Abrahm'}}"
Validating all elements of an array.
// Test Case
// ...
// ...
// JSONAPIUnit will matching all elements
// of this array with bellow type.
Validating the nested elements of response.
// Test Case
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
Users can use JS functions in comparisons to validate.
// Test Case
// ...
// ...
"categories":"{{categories:array && categories.length >100}}"
- Response Header Validation.
- Passing config variables from command line.
All PRs and issues are welcome. And also stars are welcome.
Please format and test your codes before sending PRs.