Accepted by ECCVW-2020
Wei Huang, Chang Chen, Zhiwei Xiong(*), Yueyi Zhang, Dong Liu, Feng Wu
*Corresponding Author
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
This repository is the official implementation of the paper, "Learning to Restore ssTEM Images from Deformation and Corruption", where more implementation details are presented.
This code was tested with Pytorch 0.4.0, CUDA 8.0, Python 3.6.2 and Ubuntu 14.04. It is worth mentioning that, besides some commonly used image processing packages, you also need to install some special post-processing packages for neuron segmentation, such as waterz.
If you have a Docker environment, we strongly recommend you to pull our image as follows,
docker pull
# used for interpolation module
docker pull
# used for unfolding and fusion modules
docker pull renwu527/auto-emseg:v3.1 # used for interpolation module
docker pull renwu527/auto-emseg:v5.4 # used for unfolding and fusion modules
Set | Size | Download (Processed) |
Training set | (4000x3)x512x512 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Validation set | (100x3)x1024x1024 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Training set-interp | 4000x512x512 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Validation set-interp | 100x1024x1024 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Training set-SFF | 4000x512x512 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Validation set-SFF | (100x4)x1024x1024 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Test set-cremia | 25x1660x1660 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Test set-cremib | 25x1660x1660 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Test set-cremic | 25x1660x1660 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Test set-real | 10x2048x2048 | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) |
Download and unzip them in corresponding folders in './data'.
Module | Models | Download |
Interpolation (L1, default) | interp.ckpt | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive |
Interpolation (L2) | interp_l2.ckpt | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive |
Interpolation (ssim) | interp_ssim.ckpt | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive |
Interpolation (vgg) | interp_vgg.ckpt | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive |
Interpolation (adv) | interp_adv.ckpt | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive |
Unfolding (FusionNet, default) | unfolding_fusionnet.ckpt | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive |
Unfolding (FlowNetS) | unfolding_flownetS.ckpt | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive |
Unfolding (FlowNetC) | unfolding_flownetC.ckpt | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive |
Fusion (UNet, default) | fusion.ckpt | BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive |
Train on 4 NVIDIA Titan XP GPUs with 32 bathsizes
Test on single GPU with 1 bathsize
cd ./scripts_interp
# install sepconv
cd ./libs/sepconv
cd ../..
# install attrdict
pip install attrdict
# install tensorboardX
pip install tensorboardX
python -c=ms_l1loss_decay
python python -c=ms_l1loss_decay -id=interp -i1=/PATH/IMAGE1.png -i2=/PATH/IMAGE2.png -o=/PATH/OUTPUT.png
# For cremia
python -c=ms_l1loss_decay -id=interp -ip=../data/test/cremia -t=cremia_25sff -op=../results/cremia/
# mean_PSNR=22.7065, mean_SSIM=0.6596
# For cremib
python -c=ms_l1loss_decay -id=interp -ip=../data/test/cremib -t=cremib_25sff -op=../results/cremib/
# mean_PSNR=22.2252, mean_SSIM=0.6041
# For cremic
python -c=ms_l1loss_decay -id=interp -ip=../data/test/cremic -t=cremic_25sff -op=../results/cremic/
# mean_PSNR=21.9687, mean_SSIM=0.5767
cd ./scripts_unfolding
python -c=sff_flowfusionnet_L1_lr0001decay
# Middle results for unfolding SFF images.
# Note that it is integrated in the '' of fusion module.
# Therefore, you can skip this step if you don't want to obtain the unfolded images.
# For cremia
python -c=sff_flowfusionnet_L1_lr0001decay -id=unfolding_fusionnet -ip=../data/test/cremia -t=cremia_25sff -op=../results/cremia
# For cremib
python -c=sff_flowfusionnet_L1_lr0001decay -id=unfolding_fusionnet -ip=../data/test/cremib -t=cremib_25sff -op=../results/cremib
# For cremic
python -c=sff_flowfusionnet_L1_lr0001decay -id=unfolding_fusionnet -ip=../data/test/cremic -t=cremic_25sff -op=../results/cremic
cd ./scripts_fusion
python -c=sff_fusion_L1_lr0001decay
# For cremia
python -c=sff_fusion_L1_lr0001decay -id=fusion -ip=../data/test/cremia -t=cremia_25sff -op=../results/cremia
# mean_PSNR=26.4418, mean_SSIM=0.8368
# For cremib
python -c=sff_fusion_L1_lr0001decay -id=fusion -ip=../data/test/cremib -t=cremib_25sff -op=../results/cremib
# mean_PSNR=26.8161, mean_SSIM=0.8202
# For cremic
python -c=sff_fusion_L1_lr0001decay -id=fusion -ip=../data/test/cremic -t=cremic_25sff -op=../results/cremic
# mean_PSNR=25.7472, mean_SSIM=0.7957
If you have any problem with the released code, please do not hesitate to contact me by email ([email protected]).