Graphyte is a JavaScript based graph visualization library built with emphasis on customization and modularity. These design decisions led to a core framework responsible for interconnecting pluggable modules. Following that spirit, Graphyte doesn’t offer ready-made visualizations like e.g. HighCharts or NVD3 which offer out-of-the-box solutions for standard charts. Instead, the intended audience of Graphyte are developers who are looking for a solid library to create heavily customized graph visualizations.
npm install graphyte
Graphyte is following the AMD module pattern using RequireJS:
baseUrl: 'node_modules/graphyte',
paths: {
'd3': 'node_modules/d3/d3'
require(['d3', 'js/core'], function(d3, graphyte) {
var graph = graphyte()
To run the examples in your browser:
cd node_modules/graphyte
npm install
npm start
Graphyte is using QUnit for testing its basic functionality:
cde node_modules/graphyte
npm install
npm test
See Wiki: