- Network
network (class to hold network) (need to add more insightful prints)
layer_dense (dense layer from layer class)
activation_function (custom activation function class)
relu / softmax / sigmoid (standard activation functions)
layer_conv WIP
layer_norm WIP (or perhaps a function to normalise data)
- Learning
random_evolution_learning WIP
random_stochastic_learning (batch random) WIP
gradient descent WIP
stochastic gradient descent WIP WIP
- Fix random_learning2
- Look into making random_learning faster
- removal of backwards pertubation
- scale = step in normal dist in stead of step * normal dist
- Making printing nicer
- Make learning a class instead of a function
- Loss is maintained as a attribute
- alongisde other useful data
- Add a layer without a bias
- Add just a bias layer
- Learning function that remove least important weights
run the command pip install learntools
for network use from learntools import Network
for learning use from learntools import Learning
Setup Venv
- install wheel, twine
To upload package
build dist:
- rmdir /s /q build dist learntools.egg-info
- python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
upload dist:
- twine upload dist/*
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