# ENV File
Duplicate env.example to .env
Database connections is right
Configure mail to send email
# If you are using your server or local environment as a user that is not root
$ export UID=$(id -u)
$ export GID=$(id -g)
# OBS:. If you are using your server or local environment as the root user
Replace php.dockerfile in the docker-compose.yml file for php.root.dockerfile
# run and up docker
$ docker-compose up -d --build laravelcrudtasksapi
# Composer Install
$ docker-compose run --rm composer update
# Generate JWT Secret
$ docker-compose run --rm artisan jwt:secret
# Generate Laravel Key
$ docker-compose run --rm artisan key:generate
# Create database
$ docker-compose run --rm artisan migrate
# Create first user admin
## email: [email protected]
## password: admin
$ docker-compose run --rm artisan db:seed
# Artisan serve
# Down containers
docker-compose down
docker-compose build --no-cache