Simple categorical decision tree for Haskell
The repository provides the necessary configuration for a quick cabal install:
$ git clone \
&& cabal install decisiontree.hs
The package exposes the modules DecisionTree
and Entropy
. The
provides the structural algorithms for filtering training instances
down the branches of the tree while the latter one, as the name
suggests, provides the entropy calculations for branching criteria.
For instance, to run an ID3-like classification on an instance, use:
import DecisionTree (classify)
import Entropy (informationGain)
classification =
classify trainingInstances informationGain ["red", "hot", "chili"]
where trainingInstances = someDataYouHave
The package also provides a sample driver program via Main.hs
which compiles to the binary interactivedt
(which is currently
hard-coded to information gain) which can be used as follows:
$ interactivedt mydata.csv
instance> sushi,CA,cloudy
instance> burritos,IN,rainy
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE and for details.