A CLI tool and a library for extracting markers from Final Cut Pro FCPXML files / FCPXMLD bundles.
Original idea belongs to Vigneswaran Rajkumar.
Download the latest version of CLI universal binary here.
VERSION=0.1.0 # replace this with the version you need
git clone https://github.com/vzhd1701/MarkersExtractor
cd MarkersExtractor
git checkout "tags/$VERSION"
swift build -c release
Once the build has finished, the markers-extractor-cli
executable will be located at .build/release/
$ markers-extractor-cli --help
OVERVIEW: Tool to extract markers from FCPXML(D).
USAGE: markers-extractor-cli [<options>] <fcpxml-path> <output-dir>
<fcpxml-path> Input FCPXML file / FCPXMLD bundle.
<output-dir> Output directory.
--image-format <png,jpg,gif>
Marker thumb image format. (default: png)
--image-quality <0-100> Image quality percent for JPG. (default: 100)
--image-width <w> Limit image width keeping aspect ratio.
--image-height <h> Limit image height keeping aspect ratio.
--image-size-percent <%>
Limit image size to % keeping aspect ratio. (default for GIF: 50)
--gif-fps <1-50> GIF frame rate. (default: 10)
--gif-span <sec> GIF capture span around marker. (default: 2)
--id-naming-mode <ProjectTimecode,Name,Notes>
Marker naming mode. (default: ProjectTimecode)
--label <label> Label to put on a thumb image, can be used multiple times form multiple labels. Use --help-labels to get full list of available labels.
--label-copyright <text>
Copyright label, will be added after all other labels.
--label-font <name> Font for image labels (default: Menlo-Regular)
--label-font-size <pt> Maximum font size for image labels, font size is automatically reduced to fit all labels. (default: 30)
--label-opacity <0-100> Label opacity percent (default: 100)
--label-font-color <#RRGGBB / #RGB>
Label font color (default: #FFF)
--label-stroke-color <#RRGGBB / #RGB>
Label stroke color (default: #000)
--label-stroke-width <w>
Label stroke width, 0 to disable. (default: auto)
--label-align-horizontal <left,center,right>
Horizontal alignment of image label. (default: left)
--label-align-vertical <top,center,bottom>
Vertical alignment of image label. (default: top)
--create-done-file Create 'done.txt' file in output directory on successful export.
--log <log> Log file path.
--log-level <trace,debug,info,notice,warning,error,critical>
Log level. (default: info)
--quiet Disable log.
--help-labels List all possible labels to use with --label.
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
To use this package in a SwiftPM project, you need to set it up as a package dependency:
// swift-tools-version:5.6
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyPackage",
dependencies: [
url: "https://github.com/vzhd1701/MarkersExtractor.git",
from: "0.1.0"
targets: [
name: "MyTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "MarkersExtractor", package: "MarkersExtractor")
Check out MarkersExtractorCLI.swift to see how to use the main extractor class.
This projects uses pre-commit for automatic source files formatting. swift-format (swift-5.6.1-RELEASE) is used to format *.swift
files. Make sure both are present in PATH before making commits.
git clone https://github.com/yourname/MarkersExtractor
cd MarkersExtractor
pre-commit install
git checkout -b fix