We open-sourced part of our crash dataset that involved no privacy (from Internet and the CADP dataset). Moreover, this dataset is continuously being updated to support the research field of Crash Detection.
Welcome everyone to join and work together to make the world better!
- The dataset contains a total of 2694 crash videos that involved no privacy, primarily from the open-source dataset CADP and the Internet.
- This dataset and its corresponding paper were accepted by 《IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS》
- Paper name :《An Appearance-Motion Network for Vision-based Crash Detection: Improving the Accuracy in Congested Traffic》
- If this paper is helpful to your research, please feel free to cite it!
We have publicized the crash videos that involved no privacy at the following Baidu Cloud links (ps: the dataset is relatively large, and we do not have enough storage space on Google Cloud to upload) :
- Video dataset for crash detection (from the Internet) [ [baiduNetdisk (提取码/code:xsy3)]
- Video dataset for crash detection (from the CADP dataset) [ [baiduNetdisk (提取码/code:ii9f)]
If you have any questions or want to add your results, please contact us in issues.