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Fly neovim to the moon

You might want to take a quick look at Showcase.


  • kitty terminal
  • a nerd font
  • node: I recommend using a node version manager, like fnm
  • python3: If you're on Linux, chances are it's already installed by default
  • neovim: Either build from source or use appimage (v0.10 or newer)
  • a clipboard manager (e.g. xclip)
  • and some other minor dependencies (see below)
sudo apt install git build-essential python3-venv xclip fd-find ripgrep -y
npm install -g yarn
npm install -g typescript
npm install -g @vue/typescript-plugin # only needed for vue projects
Recommend: Symlink nvim.appimage to nvim
mkdir -p ~/Applications
mv ~/Downloads/nvim.appimage ~/Applications
chmod u+x ~/Applications/nvim.appimage
sudo ln -s ~/Applications/nvim.appimage /usr/local/bin/nvim
For debian-based distro, you need to symlink fd-find to fd
# Make sure `bin` folder exist
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin

# Symlink `fdfind` to `fd`
ln -s $(which fdfind) ~/.local/bin/fd

# Add `.local/bin` to `$PATH` (change zshrc to whatever shell you're using)
echo "\n# Add .local/bin to PATH" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.local/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.zshrc


  • Backup your current neovim config (if any)
curl -fsSL | bash
  • Clone the repo
# https
git clone ~/.config/nvim

# ssh
git clone [email protected]:vuxuanhungg/nvim.git ~/.config/nvim
  • Start neovim


  • eslint: For projects with mixed config formats (e.g. monorepo), a file in folders with old config format has to be open first. If you open a file in folders with new config format first, opening a file in folders with old config format afterwards would raise an error that eslint cannot find the config file.

  • Sometimes in vue files, code folding takes a long time to detect fold or simply doesn't work.

  • Sometimes, on entering a buffer, all the code will be folded unexpectedly. I cannot always reproduce it, so I am unable to fix it =))

  • vscode-neovim: When you fold your code and start visual selection, moving up/down will move by line instead of moving by the code block.



Fly neovim to the moon. Seriously.



