Removing the cruft from my first dotfiles. Out with the old, in with the new!
, you must modify this to your own
purposes! For example, .gitconfig
contains my Git configurations, including
my email, etc. Simply cloning this repository and running the setup will result
in your Git commits being made under my name and email, and neither of us
want that.
This will bootstrap things:
Note that if you have an existing ~/.config/
directory, it will not be
overwritten. However, this will mean none of the configurations in dotfiles2
will be linked, so it is generally advised you remove or merge in the existing
after running
For NeoVim-specific setup instructions, see the NeoVim configuration documentation.
To have Apple's Keychain manage your SSH key's password, do the following:
$ ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/[your-private-key]
: antidote for plugins.
So far only tested on OS X.