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A Nim library for working with the CFG configuration format.


The library can be installed for use by adding a dependency on config to your list of dependencies in your project.nimble file:

requires "config >= 0.1.0"


The CFG configuration format is a text format for configuration files which is similar to, and a superset of, the JSON format. It dates from before its first announcement in 2008 and has the following aims:

  • Allow a hierarchical configuration scheme with support for key-value mappings and lists.
  • Support cross-references between one part of the configuration and another.
  • Provide a string interpolation facility to easily build up configuration values from other configuration values.
  • Provide the ability to compose configurations (using include and merge facilities).
  • Provide the ability to access real application objects safely, where supported by the platform.
  • Be completely declarative.

It overcomes a number of drawbacks of JSON when used as a configuration format:

  • JSON is more verbose than necessary.
  • JSON doesn’t allow comments.
  • JSON doesn’t provide first-class support for dates and multi-line strings.
  • JSON doesn’t allow trailing commas in lists and mappings.
  • JSON doesn’t provide easy cross-referencing, interpolation, or composition.

A simple example

With the following configuration file, test0.cfg:

a: 'Hello, '
b: 'world!'
c: {
  d: 'e'
'f.g': 'h'
christmas_morning: `2019-12-25 08:39:49`
home: `$HOME`
foo: `$FOO|bar`

You can load and query the above configuration using inim:

Loading a configuration

The configuration above can be loaded as shown below. In the REPL shell:

nim> import config
var cfg = fromFile("test0.cfg")

The successful call returns a Config object which can be used to query the configuration.

Access elements with keys

Accessing elements of the configuration with a simple key is not much harder than using a map:

nim> echo cfg["a"]
(kind: StringValue, stringValue: "Hello, ")
nim> echo cfg["b"]
(kind: StringValue, stringValue: "world!")

As Nim is strongly and statically typed, configuration values are returned in a tagged variant of type ConfigValue with the kind field as the discriminant.

Access elements with paths

As well as simple keys, elements can also be accessed using path strings:

nim> echo cfg["c.d"]
(kind: StringValue, stringValue: "e")

Here, the desired value is obtained in a single step, by (under the hood) walking the path c.d – first getting the mapping at key c, and then the value at d in the resulting mapping.

Note that you can have simple keys which look like paths:

nim> echo cfg["f.g"]
(kind: StringValue, stringValue: "h")

If a key is given that exists in the configuration, it is used as such, and if it is not present in the configuration, an attempt is made to interpret it as a path. Thus, f.g is present and accessed via key, whereas c.d is not an existing key, so is interpreted as a path.

Access to date/time objects

You can also get native Elixir date/time objects from a configuration, by using an ISO date/time pattern in a backtick-string:

nim> echo cfg["christmas_morning"]
(kind: DateTimeValue, dateTimeValue: (nanosecond: 0, second: 49, minute: 39, hour: 8, monthdayZero: 25, monthZero: 12, year: 2019, weekday: Wednesday, yearday: 358, isDst: false, timezone: ..., utcOffset: 0))

Access to environment variables

To access an environment variable, use a backtick-string of the form $VARNAME:

nim> import os
nim> echo cfg["home"].stringValue == getEnv("HOME")

You can specify a default value to be used if an environment variable isn’t present using the $VARNAME|default-value form. Whatever string follows the pipe character (including the empty string) is returned if the VARNAME is not a variable in the environment.

nim> echo cfg["foo"]
(kind: StringValue, stringValue: "bar")

For more information, see the CFG documentation.


A Nim library for working with the CFG configuration format.








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