This package is forked from It is unmodified beyond using 32-bit integers to store Period components internally (instead of 16-bit components) to avoid integer overflows. The upstream package is itself being deprecated in favor of a replacement that addresses the overflow issue, but the replacement package is under active development and not yet ready for production use.
Package date
provides functionality for working with dates.
This package introduces a light-weight Date
type that is storage-efficient
and convenient for calendrical calculations and date parsing and formatting
(including years outside the [0,9999] interval).
It also provides
which expresses a wall-clock style hours-minutes-seconds with millisecond precision.period.Period
which expresses a period corresponding to the ISO-8601 form (e.g. "PT30S").timespan.DateRange
which expresses a period between two dates.timespan.TimeSpan
which expresses a duration of time between two instants.view.VDate
which wrapsDate
for use in templates etc.
See package documentation for full documentation and examples.
go get -u
dep ensure -add
This library has been in reliable production use for some time. Versioning follows the well-known semantic version pattern.
This package follows very closely the design of package
in the standard library;
many of the Date
methods are implemented using the corresponding methods
of the time.Time
type and much of the documentation is copied directly
from that package.
The original Good Work on which this was based was done by Filippo Tampieri at Fxtlabs.