This is a platgorm for users to code online just like replit. This platform supports multiple languages like NodeJS
- Monorepo
- NextJS (LABS UI)
- NodeJS WebSocket (Tunnel Server): The work of this tunnel server is to provide terminal to the end user and make communications between frontend and the main server.
- NodeJS WebSocket (RUNNER)
- Shadcn
- AWS S3 (for Storing Data)
- Docker and Kubernetes for Runner on demand containers
NOTE: A Big call out this project won't work on your local system unless you don't have a cloud kubernetes cluster.
- Step1: Fork and clone the repo.
- Step2: install all dependencies
pnpm install
- Step3: move inside labs apps and copy .env.example to .env and place your aws credencials
cd apps/labs && cp .env.example .env
- Step 4: Run your app, this start both frontend and backend
pnpm dev