Vim text objects for the whitespace.
"around whitespace", selects all the whitespace characters around the cursor.
When invoked on an empty line, operator behaves linewise by selecting all the surrounding empty lines.i<Space>
"inner whitespace", selects all the whitespace characters around the cursor, except the first char.
When invoked on an empty line, operator behaves linewise by selecting all the surrounding empty lines, except the first one.
The most common use would be to easily get rid of the excessive whitespace.
To disable default mappings, add the following to vimrc:
let g:space_default_mappings = 0
Example creating custom mappings for i<Ctrl-s>
and a<Ctrl-s>
omap <silent> i<C-s> <Plug>(inner_space)
xmap <silent> i<C-s> <Plug>(inner_space)
omap <silent> a<C-s> <Plug>(around_space)
xmap <silent> a<C-s> <Plug>(around_space)
Also, you might find these single-key mappings useful:
omap <silent> <Space> <Plug>(inner_space)
xmap <silent> <Space> <Plug>(inner_space)
Plugin 'bruno-/vim-space'
git clone git:// ~/.vim/bundle/vim-space