###SDR# plugin for "RDS Spy" program.
Maybe someone want to try my plugin for SDR#. The connection with RDSSpy is through socket TCP/IP ( No virtual audio cable). You have to add manually the line:
<add key="RDS Output" value="SDRSharp.RDSOutput.RDSOutput,SDRSharp.RDSOutput" />
in Plugins.xml file in your SDR# program directory and configure RDSSpy for TCP/IP connection with IP host: localhost and port: 23
Also you have to copy the file SDRSharp.RDSOutput.dll in your SDR# program directory. You can get the file** SDRSharp.RDSOutput.dll** from:
No need to compile it, get the file from RDSOutput/RDSOutput/bin/Debug/ directory.
Now with RFtap output: https://rftap.github.io/blog/2016/08/27/decoding-rds-with-rftap.html