This project is a simple dungeon & dragons session generator and simulator. It is a simple project that is used to demonstrate the power of the Composable platform and LLMs.
To run this project, we will use bun, but you can also use node. This assumes you have bun installed.
$ curl -fsSL | bash
$ npm i -g bun
You will also need a Composable API Key, and a project with the following interactions: DungeonsAndDragonsSessionSummarizer
, DungeonsAndDragonsSessionPlanner
You then need to set the following environment variables (can go into .env
To install the project, you can simply clone the repository and install the dependencies using the following commands:
$ git clone
$ cd dnd-session-generator
$ bun install #or npm i
To run the project, you can simply run the following command:
$ bun run index.ts -h
Usage: index [options] [command]
-e, --environment [environmentId] Environment ID to use for the interaction
-m, --model [modelId] Model ID to use for the interaction
-h, --help display help for command
generate Generate a new campaign or session (-h for help)
simulate [options] <campaignId>
read <campaignId>
help [command] display help for command
$ bun run index.ts generate -h
Usage: index generate [options] [command]
Generate new sessions either for an existing campaign or a new one
-h, --help display help for command
campaign [options] Create a session 0 for a new campaign
session [options] <campaignId> Create a new session for the campaign
help [command] display help for command
To generate a new campaign, you can run the following command:
$ bun run index.ts generate campaign \
--theme "The Shattered Realms: A world of floating islands suspended in a vast sky, connected by magical bridges and airships. Each realm has its unique ecosystem and culture, with the space between filled with swirling mists and strange creatures."
--size 6
--level 3
Theme, size, and level are optional.
To generate a new session, you can run the following command:
$ bun run index.ts generate session <campaignId> \
-o "Investigate why fire elementals are encroaching on a water-dominated region" \
-o "Retrieve a powerful artifact from a rival faction" \
-o "Defend a village from a dragon attack"
Objectives are optional, and you can add as many as you want.
You can simulate a play by choosing a campaign and a number of turns. The simulator will play all unplayed session plans and generate new plans if needed.
$ bun run index.ts simulate <campaignId> --turns 10
You can read a campaign to see its details and the sessions that have been planned.
$ bun run index.ts read <campaignId>
All objects are stored into the Composable Content Store, and vector indexed. You can browse on to see the objects and their embeddings.