Elixir library for server driven DOM morphing. Never write Javascript again!
Morphling uses server side HTML DOM rendering (think PHP), except it sends differential of the created HTML DOM to the frontend and 'morphs' it ontop of the current DOM.
This results in React like realtime responsiveness without having to operate inside the Javascript VM,
interop with the Javascript Ecosystem nor communicate with the Javascript community.
Morphling is not tied to Pheonix and lets you implement your own business logic. Morphling gives you the morphling.js file which the client browser must load to setup the websock connection, and it gives you the Morphling, which deals with creating DOM differentials and managing the server side state.
defmodule Demo.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project, do: [
app: :demo,
version: "0.0.1",
elixir: "~> 1.6",
build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,
deps: deps(),
def application, do: [
applications: [:logger],
def deps, do: [
{:exjsx, "~> 4.0.0"},
{:stargate, git: "https://github.com/vans163/stargate.git"},
{:morphling, git: "https://github.com/vans163/morphling.git"},
defmodule Demo do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
IO.puts "Starting webserver.."
{:ok, _} = :application.ensure_all_started(:stargate)
webserver = %{
ip: {0,0,0,0},
port: 8090,
hosts: %{
{:http, "*"}=> {Demo.HTTP, %{}},
{:ws, "*"}=> {Demo.WS, %{}}
{:ok, _Pid} = :stargate.warp_in(webserver)
children = [
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one,
name: Demo.Supervisor,
max_seconds: 1,
max_restarts: 999999999999]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
defmodule Demo.HTTP do
def http(:'GET', "/morphling.js", _, h, _, s) do
path = "#{:code.priv_dir(:morphling)}/morphling.js"
bin = File.read!(path)
:stargate_plugin.serve_static_bin(bin, h, s)
def http(:'GET', path, _, h, _, s) do
IO.inspect path
ms = %{path: path}
{dom, _} = Demo.WS.refresh_page("", ms)
:stargate_plugin.serve_static_bin(dom, h, s)
defmodule Morphling.WS do
use GenServer
def start_link(params), do: :gen_server.start_link(__MODULE__, params, [])
def init({parent_pid, _query, headers, state}) do
IO.inspect "connect"
path = query["path"]
ms = %{path: path}
{dom, ms} = Demo.WS.refresh_page("", ms, parent_pid)
state = Map.merge(state, %{parent_pid: parent_pid, morph_dom: dom, morph_state: ms})
{:ok, state}
def refresh_page(old_dom, ms, parent_pid \\ nil) do
path = ms[:path]
ms_new = cond do
path != nil ->
default_value = Map.get(ms, :value, 0)
Map.merge(ms, %{value: default_value})
true -> ms
new_dom = Demo.Page.render(ms_new)
if parent_pid != nil do
diff = Morphling.diff_dom(old_dom, new_dom)
send(parent_pid, {:ws_send, {:text_compress, Morphling.encode_dom_diff(diff)}})
send(parent_pid, {:ws_send, {:text_compress, Morphling.encode_rpc_navigate(ms_new[:path])}})
{new_dom, ms_new}
def handle_info({:text, bin}, s) do
IO.inspect bin
map = JSX.decode!(bin)
ms = s.morph_state
ms = cond do
map["action"] == "click_button" ->
Map.merge(ms, %{value: map["args"]+1})
{dom, ms} = Demo.WS.refresh_page(s.morph_dom, ms, s.parent_pid)
{:noreply, %{s|morph_dom: dom, morph_state: ms}}
defmodule Demo.Page do
def render(s\\%{}) do
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="">
<script src="https://npmcdn.com/[email protected]/dist/morphdom-umd.js"></script>
<script src="/morphling.js"></script>
<h1>My First Morphling</h1>
<input value=#{s[:value]}></input>
<p onclick=m("click_button", s[:value])>My firstt paragraph.</p>
def page_table(s) do
names = Map.get(s,:table_names,[])
#{Enum.reduce(names,"",fn({a,b,c},acc)-> acc<>"<tr><td>#{a}</td><td>#{b}</td><td>#{c}</td></tr>" end)}
Now edit the text and recompile the app, click button again, watch the dom auto hotload and mount without needing to refresh the page.