This is the Repository of my github profile page. It's a small react Application which is running on
It is just a playground for me to push my react stuff. The Repository has 2 branches, master
contains the deployed app version and the source
branch contains the source code stuff of the page. It contains some scripts to get a nice working and deploing flow (see gh-pages under the Links Section):
- start (
react-scripts start
) - build (
react-scripts build
) - test (
react-scripts test --env=jsdom
) - eject (
react-scripts eject
) - predeplay (
yarn run build
) - deploy (
gh-pages -b master -d build
They are quite a few dependencies:
- bootstrap (Bootsrap CSS Framework)
- gh-pages (Deploing into github Pages)
- lodash (A nice lodash lib)
- react (The React Library)
- react-dom (The React Dom)
Just take a look into package.json
, it contains all of this.
You'll need to install yarn the package manager. See installation docs for more Deatails:
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Get into the Repositiory Folder:
Configure your application by edition my package.json
to you needs, or use yarn init
to setup the complete new Application (It will ask for Name, Version, Dependencies, etc.).
Run yarn to load dependencies:
You can use the time to Setup the Secrets:
cp src/Secret.js.example src/Secret.js
vi src/Secret.js
const Secret = {
MOCKUPKEY: '', // key for
APIURL: '', // url to your resolver ()
APISECRET: '', // Secret from your resolver
DEFCONTARGET: '', // Datasource for Defcon
FEEDTARGET: '', // Datasource for Feeds
export default Secret
Run Application:
yarn start