A Simple plain PHP Templating Engine. You can see a running Application on demo-page.
It run by Files and has no direct dependencie to any Database. For Persistence of Runtimedata you can use a SQLite Database (an example Database is shipped under inc/db/database.sqlite.example
) or setup a MySQL Database for the Application (Keep in Mind that you then need a PDO Class to use a MySQL Database!). Both Connections can be configured in the config.php
On a nginx Webserver this web page achieves a carbon rating of A+. Only 0.03g of CO2 is produced every time someone visits this web page: websitecarbon
A running PHP Webserver (A space where you can place PHP Files). I've testet on apache2 and nginx Servers. The Packagenames can variate a little, depending on you operation System:
Neccessarry Pakages:
- php > 7.1
- php_curl
Optional (but usefull) packages:
- git
- php_sqlite3
Installation ist straight forrward. You just need to clone the current Repossitory:
git clone https://github.com/vaddi/basic.git
After getting the Base Application, you should copy the pages
Folder to sites
to use this for your own Pages:
cp -r inc/pages inc/sites
Copy the config file:
cp inc/config.php.example inc/config.php
And Edit the inc/config.php
// change this
define( 'PAGES', __DIR__ . "/pages/" );
// to this
define( 'PAGES', __DIR__ . "/sites/" );
Now you can edit and add Pages under the sites
Folder. Don't forget to Edit the edit styles.css
to fit your needs (Hint: If you copy the file and place a new one into the css Folder, only the new css File(s) will be loaded automaticly into the header section of the Template).
If you want to use the Visitor Metrics, you need to enable the sqlite Database in to the config file and have Setup a Database.
You an easily use the shipped SQLite3 Dateabase. Enable them into the config.php
// change this
define( 'SQLITE_USE', false );
// to this
define( 'SQLITE_USE', true );
An example Database is placed under inc/db/database.sqlite.example
, just copy them and make the Folder and the File writeable for the webserver:
cp inc/db/database.sqlite.example inc/db/database.sqlite
The right command to set the Fileaccess should appear if you open the Site for the first time in a Browser after activating and copiing into place. Something like this:
SQLite file not writeable by webserver user, please add write permissions to file and Folder!
sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/Sites/basic/inc/db
You find also creation Schemas in the assets
Updating a old Version which is installed via git command (which is recommend) is also straight forrward.
- Check if the are any Overwrites by you into the Base Files
git status
- If you found
Untracked files
, you can ignore the Messages. Only Changes on Base Files will result in a merge conflict! - If there are no changes found by git, just update by running
git pull
See git-merge for more about how to merge your Setup and the base Setup.
First: You can use PHP Files. No static replace Content like "{{TITLE}}" or something.
If you just want to sendout simple html content, you can also by write them into the files. But you have to keep the filenames Prefix .php
, only files with the Prefix .php
will be used by the Templating!
Just place you PHP files into the sites
Folder (don't use the shipped pages
Folder, oserwise you'r not able to simply update!). All Content will be rendered inside of a Template. You can find the Template Files under the tpl
Folder and can also just edit them as you like, they are also just plain PHP Files.
There will be a few Pages shipped whithin this Application. You can use them to build your own pages or use them as they are. Some are hidden by the MENU_EXCLUDE
array in the config.php
, you have to remove their name from there to make them visible in the Sitemenu.
List of shipped Pages:
- Authtest (a simple site which show if you are logged in or not)
- Contact (a full contactform which is able to send Mails by smtp or php mail function, there is also a map and Link section in this Page )
- Documentation (this Page will render the README.md file like github do)
- Environment (a few enviroment tests to ensure you have installed and configured your System well)
- Imprint (an Imprint page)
- News (a very simple News page with simple CRUD functionality, all Enties will be loaded and saved on the shipped sqlite3 database)
The Templating is done by the two Classes Sites.php
, wich load Content from the sites
Folder and the Template.php
Class, wich loads template Parts from tpl
Folder and mainly combine all to the outputed HTML or Text.
This Class read and parse the Content from the Files in the sites
Folder. It also wraps the Content by the Template parts by using the Template.php
Read the content from the tpl
Folder and combines them into a basic HTML Page. The Template.php
class has the base structure of the HTML Site, there you can find the starting DOCTYPE
Element and also the body
and html
HTML tags.
You can extend the Application by your own classes. Just place them into the Folder inc/class/extensions/
. There are also some other Helper Classes which will be used by the Application (so dont remove them until you're shure they wont be used anywhere!).
All Classes under the extensions Folder will be automaticly instanciated by the Base.php
Class by the PHP spl_autoload_register
function in the Head of the Page.
To get a simple description, add a Comment in line 3 of your Class. This will be used in the index.php
Page (in the Section Pages) as description of your Class and help you to keep in mind what a Class is used for.
You only have to place the file into the css
or js
Folder and the Template Class will render the neccessary Links into the Page head Section to include them.
A pure Layout is allready shiped by default. It uses the style.css
inside of the css
Folder and contains pure CSS. If there are other files in this Folder, the shipped styles.css
file won't be used anymore, so you can easily overwrite the default layout by add your own css files into the folder whithout the need to delete the shipped styles.css
The layout of the outputed HTML is controlled by the Files into the tpl
Folder and the class Template.php
. You can also inserd plain HTML into the Pages. There is no need to use PHP into the files.
The Base Template contains some JavaScript Files for clock, pageload, highlight the current navigation link and some other things which are used by the shipped Pages.
All files will be added to the Site head from the tpl/head.php
The Application has a Prometheus ready scrape target endpoint on where prometheus can find some Metrics when requesting the metrics Page:
All Metrics will be named by the Application SHORTNAME
from the config.php
file, wich is the Besefolder Page name (default Name is basic
List of Metrics:
- basic_info = like current Version and Application Domain
- basic_pages = Amount of Files/Pages in the configured PAGES destination Folder and the Localpath.
- basic_commits = Amount of git Commits
- basic_appsize = Total Size of the Application
- basic_todos = amount of TODO mentions in the Code
- basic_updates = Are there a new Version available on github
You can use my PHP Applications
Dasboard as Dashboard Example: dashboard
The Exprter can turned off by Set Config Constant METRICS
to false into the config.php
Bugs can also be Reported under: git-issues
Currently there are some incomplete Things in this Application, feel free to create a Fork or Send Solutions to me via GitHub.
- Build a Class for RSS/Atom Feeds
- Add RSS & Atom Feed Icons and Links (On the Site and on the Newspage)
- Cleanup extension Classes, reorganise Functions into speaking Classes
- Add Back to Top scroll
- Add a Database Wrapperclass to use more than the SQLite Database
- Add MySQL Database class and Schama Asset
- Refractoring dsgvo.js (Alos Cookie und Localstorage Settings in Page login.pgp)