An automatic downloader and deobfuscator for VRoid Hub models. For educational use only. I'll get really mad if you don't use it for educational reasons.
This was mostly made for research purposes, I have no interest in actively enabling piracy (not that piracy is bad lol). If you would like to fix issues with the project, feel free to submit a pull request.
Are you sure you should be using this?
# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Run with a URL for things you want to legally obtain
node src/index.js
gltf-transform does some things to every model that breaks them when used as a VRM, so the tool automatically patches each model up for usage as a VRM.
To resolve most issues, simply take the resulting VRM and throw it into Blender or Unity (w/ either version of the VRM extension) and re-export a new VRM from there. Try both versions of the Unity extension & Blender.