A pure Python compiler and optimization framework for relational algebra. Among other uses, Raco is the query compiler for the Myria big data management system.
Raco takes as input a number of source languages and has a growing number of output languages.
Source languages include:
- MyriaL (includes SQL subset), the language for the UW Myria project
- Datalog
Output languages include:
- Logical relational algebra (+ while loop)
- The Myria physical algebra (in JSON)
- Grappa (distributed C++) source code programs
- C++ physical algebra, C++ source code programs
- Pseudocode algebra
- Python physical algebra
- Experimental: SPARQL, SciDB, Spark dataframes.
Users can of course author programs by directly instantiating one of the intermediate or output algebras as well as one of the source languages.
Requires Python 2.7 or higher 2.x
For development use:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
python setup.py develop
For normal use:
python setup.py install
Additional requirements for C++ back end tests
- C++11 compiler, i.e. gcc-4.7 or later, clang-3.3 or later
- sqlite3
To execute the tests, run nosetests
in the root directory of the repository.
A few hints: to print test names use -v
nosetests -v
And fail on first error use -x
nosetests -x -v
See nosetests -h
for more options or consult the nose documentation.
Raco is the compiler for Myria. To try parsing and understanding a program written in the Myria language, use the included myrial
Note that the commands below run the myrial
utility from the included scripts
directory. However, the install command above will in fact install myrial
in your $PATH
python scripts/myrial -l examples/sigma-clipping-v0.myl
StoreTemp(mean)[Apply(val=$0)[GroupBy(; AVERAGE(v))[ScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')])]]]
StoreTemp(std)[Apply(val=$0)[GroupBy(; STDEV(v))[ScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')])]]]
StoreTemp(NewBad)[Apply(v=$0)[Select((ABS(($0 - $1)) > ($2 * $3)))[CrossProduct[CrossProduct[CrossProduct[ScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')]), ScanTemp(mean,[('val', None)])], ScanTemp(N,[('2', <type 'int'>)])], ScanTemp(std,[('val', None)])]]]]
StoreTemp(Good)[Difference[ScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')]), ScanTemp(NewBad,[('v', None)])]]
StoreTemp(continue)[Apply(($0 > 0)=($0 > 0))[GroupBy(; COUNT($0))[ScanTemp(NewBad,[('v', None)])]]]
ScanTemp(continue,[('($0 > 0)', None)])
StoreTemp(__OUTPUT0__)[ScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')])]
python scripts/myrial examples/sigma-clipping-v0.myl
StoreTemp(mean)[MyriaApply(val=$0)[MyriaGroupBy(; AVERAGE(v))[MyriaCollectConsumer[MyriaCollectProducer(@None)[MyriaScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')])]]]]]
StoreTemp(std)[MyriaApply(val=$0)[MyriaGroupBy(; STDEV(v))[MyriaCollectConsumer[MyriaCollectProducer(@None)[MyriaScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')])]]]]]
StoreTemp(NewBad)[MyriaApply(v=$0)[MyriaSelect((ABS(($0 - $1)) > ($2 * $3)))[MyriaCrossProduct[MyriaCrossProduct[MyriaCrossProduct[MyriaScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')]), MyriaBroadcastConsumer[MyriaBroadcastProducer[MyriaScanTemp(mean,[('val', None)])]]], MyriaBroadcastConsumer[MyriaBroadcastProducer[MyriaScanTemp(N,[('2', <type 'int'>)])]]], MyriaBroadcastConsumer[MyriaBroadcastProducer[MyriaScanTemp(std,[('val', None)])]]]]]]
StoreTemp(Good)[Difference[MyriaScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')]), MyriaScanTemp(NewBad,[('v', None)])]]
StoreTemp(continue)[MyriaApply(($0 > 0)=($0 > 0))[MyriaGroupBy(; COUNT($0))[MyriaCollectConsumer[MyriaCollectProducer(@None)[MyriaScanTemp(NewBad,[('v', None)])]]]]]
MyriaScanTemp(continue,[('($0 > 0)', None)])
StoreTemp(__OUTPUT0__)[MyriaScanTemp(Good,[('v', 'float')])]
The -d
option outputs a dot file. The following command generates the plan for join.myl
in a png
scripts/myrial -d examples/join.myl | dot -Tpng -o join.png
You can get the Myria physical plan as JSON, which you can give to Myria through its REST API.
scripts/myrial -j examples/select.myl
{"logicalRa": "MyriaStore(public:adhoc:OUTPUT)[MyriaSelect(($1 = 1))[MyriaScan(public:adhoc:employee)]]", "language": "myrial", "rawQuery": "Sequence[Store(public:adhoc:OUTPUT)[Select(($1 = 1))[Scan(public:adhoc:employee)]]]", "plan": {"fragments": [{"operators": [{"relationKey": {"userName": "public", "relationName": "employee", "programName": "adhoc"}, "opType": "TableScan", "opName": "MyriaScan(public:adhoc:employee)", "opId": 0}, {"opId": 1, "argPredicate": {"rootExpressionOperator": {"right": {"valueType": "LONG_TYPE", "type": "CONSTANT", "value": "1"}, "type": "EQ", "left": {"type": "VARIABLE", "columnIdx": 1}}}, "opType": "Filter", "opName": "MyriaSelect(($1 = 1))", "argChild": 0}, {"opType": "DbInsert", "argChild": 1, "argOverwriteTable": true, "relationKey": {"userName": "public", "relationName": "OUTPUT", "programName": "adhoc"}, "opName": "MyriaStore(public:adhoc:OUTPUT)", "opId": 2, "partitionFunction": null}]}], "type": "SubQuery"}}
python scripts/myrial -p examples/sigma-clipping-v0.myl
[('ASSIGN', 'Good', ('SCAN', 'public:adhoc:sc_points')), ('ASSIGN', 'N', ('TABLE', (<raco.myrial.emitarg.SingletonEmitArg object at 0x101c04fd0>,))), ('DOWHILE', [('ASSIGN', 'mean', ('BAGCOMP', [('Good', None)], None, (<raco.myrial.emitarg.SingletonEmitArg object at 0x101c1c450>,))), ('ASSIGN', 'std', ('BAGCOMP', [('Good', None)], None, (<raco.myrial.emitarg.SingletonEmitArg object at 0x101c1c4d0>,))), ('ASSIGN', 'NewBad', ('BAGCOMP', [('Good', None)], (ABS((Good.v - Unbox)) > (Unbox * Unbox)), (<raco.myrial.emitarg.FullWildcardEmitArg object at 0x101c1c410>,))), ('ASSIGN', 'Good', ('DIFF', ('ALIAS', 'Good'), ('ALIAS', 'NewBad'))), ('ASSIGN', 'continue', ('BAGCOMP', [('NewBad', None)], None, (<raco.myrial.emitarg.SingletonEmitArg object at 0x101c1c8d0>,)))], ('ALIAS', 'continue')), ('DUMP', 'Good')]
Raco has a backend compiler that emits C++.
# generate the query and save to join.cpp
scripts/myrial --cpp examples/join.myl
# build
mv join.cpp c_test_environment/
cd c_test_environment; make join.exe
# run
c_test_environment/join.exe INPUT_FILE.csv
Raco has a back end compiler, Radish, that emits distributed C++ programs. In particular, Radish targets partitioned global address space (PGAS) languages, like Grappa. Read Compiling queries for high-performance computing for more information on the internals of Radish.
scripts/myrial -c examples/join.myl
The query implemented in Grappa is now in join.cpp
. To build and run the query, we recommend using the Radish REST server.
The default tests (just running nosetests
) include tests for translation from MyriaL to Grappa code but do no checking of whether the Grappa program correctly executes the query. To actually run the Grappa queries:
export RACO_HOME=/path/to/raco
- get Grappa https://github.com/uwsampa/grappa and follow installation instructions in its BUILD.md
export GRAPPA_HOME=/path/to/grappa
- run tests: run this command from the
PYTHONPATH=c_test_environment RACO_GRAPPA_TESTS=1 python -m unittest grappalang_myrial_tests.MyriaLGrappaTest
To learn about calling Raco from python and manipulating plans, read Using Raco directly
To learn about developing Raco, read developer doc.
Raco's authors include Bill Howe, Andrew Whitaker, Daniel Halperin, Brandon Myers and Dominik Moritz at the University of Washington. Contact us at [email protected].