Paper: Pointing the Way: Refining Radar-Lidar Localization Using Learned ICP Weights
Dataset: Boreas
title={{Pointing the Way: Refining Radar-Lidar Localization Using Learned ICP Weights}},
author={Lisus, Daniil and Laconte, Johann and Burnett, Keenan and Zhang, Ziyu and Barfoot, Timothy D.},
journal={arXiv preprint {\tt arXiv:2309.08731}},
Clone this repository to a desired directory.
Enter the repository, initialize submodules, and set up ROOTDIR
cd mm_masking
git submodule update --init --recursive
export ROOTDIR=$(pwd)
Build the Docker container, this will take a long time. Note, ROOTDIR
must be correctly set.
bash scripts/
Enter the Docker container. This script is used to enter the container whenever any code is desired to be run. If the container is already running, the script will join the existing container. Note, running this script before everything is set up may throw some warnings (No such file or directory
). These can be ignored until the project installation is complete.
bash scripts/
When inside the container, build the packages. This may take a while. The build procedure may throw warnings, which can be ignored so long as all packages are marked as finished at the end.
bash scripts/
Finally, still inside the container, set up the virtual environment.
bash scripts/
To source everything that has been built, run
bash scripts/
This gets run every time the
script gets run and so only needs to be manually called whenever packages or the virtual environment is changed.
This pipeline is trained, tested, and validated using the Teach & Repeat (T&R) framework on the Boreas dataset. A map is constructed during the Teach pass and subsequent Repeat passes are localized against that map. This code is contained in the vtr3
and boreas_vtr_wrapper
Make sure that
has been run, as it defines all required variables and sources all required packages!
The general form of running and evaluating a test is
bash gen_data/ ${MODE} ${SENSOR} ${SEQUENCES}
bash gen_data/ ${MODE} ${SENSOR} ${SEQUENCES}
where MODE = [odometry, localization]
, SENSOR = [radar, lidar, radar_lidar]
is either one (for odometry) or two (for localization) Boreas sequence names. Consider the examples below for radar_lidar, meaning using radar to localize (Repeat) against a lidar map (Teach).
Consider, as an example, the following sequences for odometry and localization.
# Choose a Teach (ODO_INPUT) and Repeat (LOC_INPUT) run from boreas dataset
Note, it is not required to define these variables, as you can input the sequence name as an argument directly. If it is desired to do a localization test, it is first required that an odometry result is generated for the sequence against which a localization attempt is desired.
Run and evaluate a single lidar odometry test using
bash gen_data/ odometry lidar ${ODO_INPUT}
bash gen_data/ odometry lidar ${ODO_INPUT}
Rename the resulting data/vtr_results/lidar
directory to data/vtr_results/radar_lidar
Next, run and evaluate a single radar localization test using
bash gen_data/ localization radar_lidar ${ODO_INPUT} ${LOC_INPUT}
bash gen_data/ localization radar_lidar ${ODO_INPUT}
Note, that the evaluation scripts both only take in an odometry sequence. This is because the output of a localization run against a map constructed from an odometry sequence is stored under the odometry sequence result subfolder. The evaluation script evaluates all localization sequences contained within the odometry sequence subfolder at the same time.
This code has been tested with the sequences collected on and before 2021-09-14. There may be difficulties running it with newer boreas sequences, as the sensor configurations may have changed.
Assuming you want to run odometry or localization for multiple test sequences in parallel, it is possible to do so by running
bash gen_data/ ${MODE} ${SENSOR}
where MODE = [odometry, localization]
, SENSOR = [radar, lidar, radar_lidar]
. This script runs all tests, either odometry or localization, and evaluates them afterwards. Note, SEQUENCES are not provided as an input for this script, as the specific list of sequences desired to be tested in parallel must be set inside of the
script file. Consider the examples below for radar_lidar localization.
bash gen_data/ localization radar_lidar
Note, running this script assumes that the REFERENCE
sequence, set inside of, has an already completed odometry test.
You can monitor the progress of each test by going to the log file of each test.
The log file should be located at
${VTRRESULT}/${SENSOR}/${ODO_INPUT}/${ODO_INPUT}/<some name based on time>.log
for odometry and at
${VTRRESULT}/${SENSOR}/${ODO_INPUT}/${LOC_INPUT}/<some name based on time>.log
for localization, where ${VTRRESULT}
is set in
. After the evaluation of the tests is complete, you should see the output in the terminal. Various other results can be found in the ${VTRRESULT}
This repository is set up to run with Boreas sequences, which can be installed from To facilitate downloading the sequences, the Docker image is set up with the necessary AWS CLI. A script to install a test sequence (approx. 5 Gb radar data) is included to facilitate verifying that all installation has completed sucessfully. This script will install a test radar sequence in the data
folder. To download the sequence, run
bash scripts/
After the sequence has downloaded, this may take a while depending on your download speed, you can run a radar odometry test on the sequence through
bash gen_data/ odometry radar boreas-2020-11-26-13-58
The expected output, assuming nothing has been changed from the default configuration file, should be similar to the following
WARNING [boreas_odometry.cpp:149] [test] Found 4142 radar data
WARNING [boreas_odometry.cpp:169] [test] Loading radar frame 0 with timestamp 1606417097528152000
WARNING [boreas_odometry.cpp:169] [test] Loading radar frame 1 with timestamp 1606417097778155000
WARNING [odometry_icp_module.cpp:553] [radar.odometry_icp] T_m_r is: 0.007637 0.015923 -1.07134e-05 2.18899e-06 8.45092e-08 0.00219319
WARNING [odometry_icp_module.cpp:554] [radar.odometry_icp] w_m_r_in_r is: -0.0214213 -0.0636917 4.28452e-05 -7.50626e-06 1.60892e-07 -0.00437644
WARNING [boreas_odometry.cpp:169] [test] Loading radar frame 2 with timestamp 1606417098028164000
WARNING [odometry_icp_module.cpp:553] [radar.odometry_icp] T_m_r is: 0.0194236 0.0177124 0.000548001 -4.29419e-05 -1.01629e-05 0.00356502
WARNING [odometry_icp_module.cpp:554] [radar.odometry_icp] w_m_r_in_r is: 0.00215017 -0.00707829 -0.00223349 0.000172793 3.52718e-05 0.0107883
Consult the Boreas download page and the example download script to download additional sequences. Remember that localization can only be run once an odometry test has been run on a different sequence.
The training, validation, and testing code runs extracts data directly from the vtr_results
result directories using the vtr3_python
submodule. Every time that ICP is run in the T&R framework (any time a sensor measurement from a repeat sequence is localized against a submap constructed during the repeat sequence during a localization
script execution), the raw and processed (motion corrected) pointclouds from the repeat sequence frame and the submap against which the pointcloud is localized against are saved. The raw pointcloud is simply the original BFAR-extracted pointcloud from the raw radar scan. To ensure that all data is saved, the following configuration parameters must be set in the gen_data/config
directory for the repeat run:
should be trueodometry/vertex_test/max_translation
should both be set to 0
For the purposes of the Pointing the Way paper, this only needs to be set in the radar_lidar_config.yaml
file, as the lidar_config.yaml
file is used for map generation only.
Below is an example of a directory contained within vtr_results
. This directory contains localization results for a radar_lidar
set up. The reference trajectory is boreas-2020-11-26-13-58
, with the odometry (teach) results contained in the radar_lidar/boreas-2020-11-26-13-58/boreas-2020-11-26-13-58
directory and the localization (repeat) results generated from boreas-2020-12-04-14-00
contained in the radar_lidar/boreas-2020-11-26-13-58/boreas-2020-12-04-14-00
directory. We can see that we succesfully collected the raw pointcloud by the presence of the radar_raw_point_cloud
directory. A similar directory structure should be present for each localization result.

The training is integrated with Neptune for tracking purposes. In order to make use of the code as-is, please first create an account and generate a personal API and project. Once an API is generated, enter the API into the corresponding line in
In order to run training, enter the container (with properly sourced
), and run
At the top of the main()
function you will need to enter your Neptune project and API token. Subsequently, there are a large number of parameters that can be changed to change the behaviour of training.
If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]!