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Usadellab's contributions to the Untwist project.

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Population genetics of the Camelina sativa lines studied in the "Untwist" project.

Data and Code Availability

All code is contained in this git repository. Because the material (data) is contained in large files these cannot be included. Please write to the authors with affiliation to the Forschungszentrum JĂĽlich (FZJ) to obtain the data files. For FZJ researches please look at the file ./material/data_and_code_availability.txt for the physical directory in which to find the local copy of this repository including the material (data) files.

Directory structure

This project has the following directory structure:

- material
- methods
- results

Note that most files in the directories material and results are ignored by git, because they contain sensitive data and/or extremely large files. You'll find the files in the local clone, i.e. in the above directory on our IBG-4 cluster (see section Data and Code Availability).

Population Structure Analysis

In this section you find how we identified populations and assigned Camelina sativa lines studied in the Untwist research project to them. The respective genomes were either generated within the Untwist research project or extracted from [1] (see References).


Merged public and Untwist resequencing genomic variant data

The variant matrix (VCF)

In this population genetics analysis we used variants identified by the sequencing group. Those variants were filtered. We use only single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the form of a variant matrix (VCF file). It is generated from two VCF input files, which have been generated and provided by the sequencing sub-group.

The step-by-step generation is described in methods. The final VCF matrix used by all analysis is ./results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered.vcf.gz.

Two variant matrices are used that were generated for (a) public Camelina sativa lines (see reference [1]) and (b) lines generated within the Untwist research project. The files are in the FZJ's local material directory and are available upon request. See material/data_and_code_availability.txt for details on their respective storage locations.

(a) NC_all_gatk_CAM_casom_CAMPUB223_54UNT.vcf
(b) NC_all_gatk_UNT_check_all_reseq.vcf

Find a list of all Camelina sativa lines used in this population genetics analysis in the file ./material/untwist_lines_accessions.txt. Note that at the time of carrying out the population genetics analysis a few lines were still underoing sequencing and thus are not present.


This section describes step by step how the above material is processed to identify populations and assign accessions to them.


To reproduce the results of this project execute the methods scripts as listed in ./job_queue.txt. Find below the list reproduced with additional indication of which scripts can be executed in parallel - see number in square brackets for this information:

  • [1] methods/
  • [1] methods/
  • [2] methods/
  • [3] methods/
  • [4] methods/
  • [5] methods/
  • [5] methods/
  • [5] methods/
  • [5] methods/
  • [5] methods/
  • [6] methods/k_means_clustering.R
  • [6] methods/ibs_allele_cnt_distance_clustering.R
  • [6] methods/
  • [6] methods/
  • [6] methods/
  • [6] methods/
  • [6] methods/
  • [6] methods/
  • [6] methods/
  • [6] methods/
  • [7] methods/admixture_plots.R

Generation of the variant matrix (VCF file)

See materials for the two input VCF matrix files provided by the sequencing subgroup.

Filtering out low quality SNPs and other variants

The input variant matrices are filtered, so that the resulting variant matrices (VCF files) contain only desired Camelina sativa lines.

For details see scripts:

  • methods/
  • methods/
Merge public (see reference [1]) and Untwist variant matrices and filter the result

The results of the two above filtering steps are merged into a single variant matrix (VCF file) and the resulting variant matrix is filtered again.

The following statements are true for all retained variants:

  • all variants are SNPs
  • all SNPs are bi-allelic
  • all SNPs have less than 10% of the genotypes with missing data
  • all SNPs have a mapping depth of at least 3
  • all SNPs have read quality score of at least 20
  • all SNPs have at least minor allele frequency of 0.05

See script ./methods/ for details.

This produces the variant matrix file: ./results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered_NOT_LD_pruned.vcf.gz that holds 2,306,926 SNPs.

Filtering out sites with high heterozygosity

Sites where more than 50% of the samples (accessions) are heterozygous are excluded from the variant matrix (VCF file) by this filtering step.

We use vcffilterjs to carry out this filtering. See script


This step produces the VCF file ./results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered_heterozygosity_NOT_LD_pruned.vcf.gz which contains 1,286,444 SNPs.

Alternative method to filter out sites with exceeding heterozygosity

An alternative method using bcftools is implemented in the following ShellScript: ./methods/

It produces the output: ./results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered_heterozygosity_bcf_NOT_LD_pruned.vcf.gz.

Filtering out correlated SNPs

Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is a population-based parameter that describes the degree to which an allele of one genetic variant is inherited or correlated with an allele of a nearby genetic variant within a given population (Bush and Moore, 2012).

Such linked SNPs can bias population structure analyses. Thus we need to filter out SNPs that are highly correlated.

See script ./methods/ for details on how bcftools (version 1.9) was used to filter out SNPs correlated to other positions with an r^2 > 0.9 within a window of size 10,000 bp.

After filtering 340,696 SNPs remained. The result is stored in file ./results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered.vcf.gz.

Differences of our marker (site) filtering to Li et al.[1]

Li et al [1] used the following filters for SNP sites:

  • retain biallelic SNPs,
  • with missing data <10%,
  • and heterozygosity <0.5,
  • linkage disequilibrium (LD) r^2 < 0.4,
  • allele frequencies (MAF) >0.1.

We used a minor allele frequency cutoff value of 0.05 and also retained markers where the r^2 was <= 0.9.

Complete Linkage Clustering based on identity by state (IBS) distances

See the script ./methods/ which was submitted to our job-queue.

This step produces the following result files:


Note that the clusters are contained in file ...cluster1, one cluster per line separated by the cluster name a <TAB> and the cluster members comma separated.

Identity by state (IBS) distance based hierarchical clustering

IBS is a standard distance measure between two accessions. We use plink (version 1.9) to compute the square distance matrix. This is done in script methods/, which was submitted to our job-queue using qsub.

This step produces:


Note, that the [...].dist files contain the allele count based distance and row names ([...] information. The [...].mdist and [...] files contain the same but for IBS distances.

The hierarchical clustering and visualization is done with the R-script ./methods/ibs_allele_cnt_distance_clustering.R. It produces these results:


Note that the respective dendrograms are stored in Newick format in the following files:


Principal Component Analysis

We use plink (version 1.9) to carry out a principal component analysis of the SNP variants.

Find the plink instructions in File ./methods/ Submitted to our job-queue with qsub.

This step produces:


Note that the matrix accession eigenvectors is stored in ./results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered_pca.eigenvec.

Plot the PCA results

We use R to generate a scatterplot to visualize the results of the SNP based principal component analysis. Use the R-script ./methods/visualize_pca_results.R for this. The resulting plot is stored in ./results/principal_component_scatterplot.pdf.

Convert plots to JPG for the publication

Upon request we convert the PCA plot to JPG for publication using the following command:

convert -density 600 -trim \
  results/principal_component_scatterplot.pdf \
  -quality 100 results/principal_component_scatterplot.jpg
k-means clustering

k-means clustering was executed in R using the script methods/k_means_clustering.R.

The best number of clusters was found using the elbow and the silhouette methods (see the respective plots).

Currently, this produces just plots, as the results hint that the original input data needs refinement.

Tables listing the Accession identifiers in the first column and the cluster number that accession belongs to in the second have been saved to:


ADMIXTURE analysis

ADMIXTURE identifies the proportions of each accession's genome belonging to a certain sub-population. The number of populations has to be defined as an input parameter.

Prepare input for ADMIXTURE

ADMIXTURE requires a certain input format (a bed file). Using plink it can be produced from the input variant matrix in VCF format.

The script to do this conversion is ./methods/ It was submitted to our job-queue with the standard qsub command.

Run ADMIXTURE for different assumed numbers of populations (k)

For each k there is a single ADMIXTURE script that was submitted to our job-queue using qsub. All of these scripts are identical, except the k parameter.

We used values 3,4,...,10 for k.

See, for example, ./methods/, which produces the results:


Note, that the above four result files are created for each k. The ones listed above are for k=3.

Plot ADMIXTURE results

See script ./methods/admixture_plots.R. It produces the following plots:


Note that in each of these plots a hierarchical clustering tree is aligned with a typical Admixture barplot.

The ADMIXTURE results are saved as tables, where the first column is the accession identifier and the later columns hold the respective accession genomes' percentage coming from the column ancestor population:


The script generates a scatter plot of the cross validation error (y-axis) depending on the assumed number of populations k (x-axis): ./results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered_admixture_cv_error_scatter_plot.pdf

Provide the dendrograms in Newick format

The above script ./methods/admixture_plots.R produces two trees (dendrograms) as output per paramater value for k. These dendrograms have been requested for further figures for the publication. The first dendrogram includes all lines analyzed in this project, the second only the Untwist lines. The leaves are sorted to match the admixture clusters. As topology identity is concerned they are all identical.

For k = 8 the resulting respective dendrograms are:

  • ./results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered_admixture_k8_JUST_IBS_hclust.newick and
  • ./results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered_admixture_k8_JUST_IBS_hclust_ONLY_Untwist_Lines.newick
Convert plots to JPG for the publication

Upon request we convert the above *admixture_k*_barplot_IBS_hclust.pdf to JPG using the following command:

convert -density 600 -trim \
  results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered_admixture_k8_barplot_IBS_hclust.pdf \
  -quality 100 results/all_public_and_all_untwist_SNP_filtered_admixture_k8_barplot_IBS_hclust.jpg

Calculate the F-statistics

F-statistics and their calculation has been well defined in "Weir BS, Cockerham CC (1984) Estimating F-statistics for the analysis of population structure". vcftools implement this method.

We want to infer whether the genetic variability of the Untwist lines matches the variability of the public lines.

In order to achieve this, we calculate the F-statistics using vcftools.

See file ./methods/ for details. The job creates the output file ./results/mean_Fst.txt.


[1] Li, H., Hu, X., Lovell, J. T., Grabowski, P. P., Mamidi, S., Chen, C., Amirebrahimi, M., Kahanda, I., Mumey, B., Barry, K., Kudrna, D., Schmutz, J., Lachowiec, J., & Lu, C. (2021). Genetic dissection of natural variation in oilseed traits of camelina by whole-genome resequencing and QTL mapping. The Plant Genome, 14(2), e20110.


Usadellab's contributions to the Untwist project.






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Contributors 3
