unipdf-cli is a CLI tool which makes working with PDF files very easy. It supports the most common PDF operations. The application is written in Golang and is powered by the UniPDF PDF library.
- Merge PDF files
- Split PDF files
- Explode PDF files
- Encrypt PDF files
- Decrypt PDF files
- Change user/owner password
- Optimize PDF files
- Rotate PDF pages
- Add watermark images to PDF files
- Convert PDF files to grayscale
- Validate and print PDF file information
- Extract text from PDF files
- Extract images from PDF files
- Search text in PDF files
- Replace text in PDF files
- Export PDF form fields as JSON
- Fill PDF form fields from JSON file
- Fill PDF form fields from FDF file
- Flatten PDF form fields
- Render PDF pages to images
Minimum required Go version: 1.20. We officially support the 5 latest minor versions of Go, but it may work on earlier ones as well.
git clone [email protected]:unidoc/unipdf-cli.git
cd unipdf-cli/cmd/unipdf
go build
Merge multiple PDF files into a single output file.
unipdf merge OUTPUT_FILE INPUT_FILE...
unipdf merge output_file.pdf input_file1.pdf input_file2.pdf
Extract one or more page ranges from PDF file and save the result as a single output file.
-p, --password string PDF file password
unipdf split input_file.pdf output_file.pdf 1-2
unipdf split -p pass input_file.pd output_file.pdf 1-2,4
PAGES argument example: 1-3,4,6-7
Only pages 1,2,3 (1-3), 4 and 6,7 (6-7) will be present in the output file,
while page number 5 is skipped.
Splits the input file into separate single page PDF files and saves the result as a ZIP archive.
unipdf explode [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE
-o, --output-file string Output file
-P, --pages string Pages to extract from the input file
-p, --password string Input file password
unipdf explode input_file.pdf
unipdf explode -o pages.zip input_file.pdf
unipdf explode -o pages.zip -P 1-3 input_file.pdf
unipdf explode -o pages.zip -P 1-3 -p pass input_file.pdf
Pages flag example: 1-3,4,6-7
Pages 1,2,3 (1-3), 4 and 6,7 (6-7) will be extracted, while page
number 5 is skipped.
Add password protection to PDF files. Owner and user passwords can be specified, along with a set of user permissions. The encryption algorithm used for protecting the file is configurable.
-m, --mode string Algorithm to use for encrypting the file (default "rc4")
-o, --output-file string Output file
-P, --perms string User permissions (default "all")
unipdf encrypt input_file.pdf owner_pass
unipdf encrypt input_file.pdf owner_pass user_pass
unipdf encrypt -o output_file.pdf -m aes256 input_file.pdf owner_pass user_pass
unipdf encrypt -o output_file.pdf -P none -m aes256 input_file.pdf owner_pass user_pass
unipdf encrypt -o output_file.pdf -P modify,annotate -m aes256 input_file.pdf owner_pass user
Supported encryption algorithms:
- rc4 (default)
- aes128
- aes256
Supported user permissions:
- all (default)
- none
- print-low-res
- print-high-res
- modify
- extract
- extract-graphics
- annotate
- fill-forms
- rotate
Remove password protection from PDF files.
unipdf decrypt [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE
-o, --output-file string Output file
-p, --password string PDF file password
unipdf decrypt -p pass input_file.pdf
unipdf decrypt -p pass -o output_file.pdf input_file.pdf
Change protected PDF user/owner password.
-o, --output-file string Output file
-p, --password string PDF file password
unipdf passwd -p pass input_file.pdf new_owner_pass
unipdf passwd -p pass -o output_file.pdf input_file.pdf new_owner_pass
unipdf passwd -p pass -o output_file.pdf input_file.pdf new_owner_pass new_user_pass
Optimize PDF files by optimizing structure, compression and image quality.
The command can take multiple files and directories as input parameters. By default, each PDF file is saved in the same location as the original file, appending the "_optimized" suffix to the file name. Use the --overwrite flag to overwrite the original files. In addition, the optimized output files can be saved to a different directory by using the --target-dir flag. The command can search for PDF files inside the subdirectories of the specified input directories by using the --recursive flag.
The quality of the images in the output files can be configured through the --image-quality flag (default 90). The resolution of the output images can be controlled using the --image-ppi flag. Common pixels per inch values are 100 (screen), 150-300 (print), 600 (art). If not specified, the PPI of the output images is 100.
unipdf optimize [FLAG]... INPUT_FILES...
-P, --image-ppi float output images pixels per inch (default 100)
-q, --image-quality int output JPEG image quality (default 90)
-O, --overwrite overwrite input files
-p, --password string file password
-r, --recursive search PDF files in subdirectories
-t, --target-dir string output directory
unipdf optimize file_1.pdf file_n.pdf
unipdf optimize -O file_1.pdf file_n.pdf
unipdf optimize -O -r file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf optimize -t out_dir file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf optimize -t out_dir -r file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf optimize -t out_dir -r -q 75 file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf optimize -t out_dir -r -q 75 -P 100 file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf optimize -t out_dir -r -q 75 -P 100 -p pass file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
Rotate PDF file pages by a specified angle. The angle argument is specified in degrees and it must be a multiple of 90.
unipdf rotate [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE ANGLE
-o, --output-file string Output file
-P, --pages string Pages to rotate
-p, --password string PDF file password
unipdf rotate input_file.pdf 90
unipdf rotate -- input_file.pdf -270
unipdf rotate -o output_file.pdf input_file.pdf 90
unipdf rotate -o output_file.pdf -P 1-3 input_file.pdf 90
unipdf rotate -o output_file.pdf -P 1-3 -p pass input_file.pdf 90
Pages flag example: 1-3,4,6-7
Only pages 1,2,3 (1-3), 4 and 6,7 (6-7) will be rotated, while
page number 5 is skipped.
Add watermark images to PDF files.
-o, --output-file string Output file
-P, --pages string Pages on which to add watermark
-p, --password string PDF file password
unipdf watermark input_file.pdf watermark.png
unipdf watermark -o output file.png input_file.pdf watermark.png
unipdf watermark -o output file.png -P 1-3 input_file.pdf watermark.png
unipdf watermark -o output file.png -P 1-3 -p pass input_file.pdf watermark.png
Pages flag example: 1-3,4,6-7
Watermark will only be applied to pages 1,2,3 (1-3), 4 and 6,7 (6-7), while
page number 5 is skipped.
Convert PDF files to grayscale.
unipdf grayscale [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE
-o, --output-file string Output file
-P, --pages string Pages to convert to grayscale
-p, --password string PDF file password
unipdf grayscale input_file.pdf
unipdf grayscale -o output_file input_file.pdf
unipdf grayscale -o output_file -P 1-3 input_file.pdf
unipdf grayscale -o output_file -P 1-3 -p pass input_file.pdf
Pages flag example: 1-3,4,6-7
Only pages 1,2,3 (1-3), 4 and 6,7 (6-7) will be converted to grayscale, while
page number 5 is skipped.
Outputs file information. Also does some basic validation.
unipdf info [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE
-p, --password string PDF file password
unipdf info input_file.pdf
unipdf info -p pass input_file.pdf
Extracts PDF text. The extracted text is always printed to STDOUT.
unipdf extract text [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE
-P, --pages string Pages to extract text from
-p, --user-password string Input file password
unipdf extract text input_file.pdf
unipdf extract text -P 1-3 input_file.pdf
unipdf extract text -P 1-3 -p pass input_file.pdf
Pages flag example: 1-3,4,6-7
Text will only be extracted from pages 1,2,3 (1-3), 4 and 6,7 (6-7), while
page number 5 is skipped.
Extracts PDF images. The images are extracted in a ZIP file and saved at the destination specified by the --output-file parameter. If no output file is specified, the ZIP archive is saved in the same directory as the input file.
unipdf extract [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE
-S, --include-inline-stencil-masks Include inline stencil masks
-o, --output-file string Output file
-P, --pages string Pages to extract images from
-p, --password string Input file password
unipdf extract images input_file.pdf
unipdf extract images -o images.zip input_file.pdf
unipdf extract images -P 1-3 -p pass -o images.zip input_file.pdf
Pages flag example: 1-3,4,6-7
Images will only be extracted from pages 1,2,3 (1-3), 4 and 6,7 (6-7), while
page number 5 is skipped.
Search text in PDF files.
unipdf search [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE TEXT
-p, --password string PDF file password
unipdf search input_file.pdf text_to_search
unipdf search -p pass input_file.pdf text_to_search
Replace text in PDF files.
unipdf replace [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE TEXT
-o, --output-file string output file
-r, - replace-text string replacement text
-p, --password string PDF file password
unipdf replace input_file.pdf text_to_search
unipdf replace -o output_file.pdf input_file.pdf text_to_search
unipdf replace -o output_file.pdf -r replacement_text input_file.pdf text_to_search
unipdf replace -o output_file.pdf -r replacement_text -p pass input_file.pdf text_to_search
Export JSON representation of form fields.
By default, the resulting JSON content is printed to STDOUT. The output can be saved to a file by using the --output-file flag.
unipdf form export [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE
-o, --output-file string output file
unipdf form export in_file.pdf
unipdf form export in_file.pdf > out_file.json
unipdf form export -o out_file.json in_file.pdf
Fill form fields from JSON file.
The field values specified in the JSON file template are used to fill the form fields in the input PDF files. In addition, the output file form fields can be flattened by using the --flatten flag. The flattening process makes the form fields of the output files read-only by appending the form field annotation XObject Form data to the page content stream, thus making it part of the page contents.
The command can take multiple files and directories as input parameters. By default, each PDF file is saved in the same location as the original file, appending the "_filled" suffix to the file name. Use the --overwrite flag to overwrite the original files. In addition, the filled output files can be saved to a different directory by using the --target-dir flag. The command can search for PDF files inside the subdirectories of the specified input directories by using the --recursive flag.
unipdf form fill [FLAG]... JSON_FILE INPUT_FILES...
-f, --flatten flatten form annotations
-O, --overwrite overwrite input files
-p, --password string input file password
-r, --recursive search PDF files in subdirectories
-t, --target-dir string output directory
unipdf form fill fields.json file_1.pdf file_n.pdf
unipdf form fill -O fields.json file_1.pdf file_n.pdf
unipdf form fill -O -r -f fields.json file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf form fill -t out_dir fields.json file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf form fill -t out_dir -r fields.json file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf form fill -t out_dir -r -p pass fields.json file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
Fill form fields from FDF file.
The field values specified in the FDF file template are used to fill the form fields in the input PDF files. In addition, the output file form fields can be flattened by using the --flatten flag. The flattening process makes the form fields of the output files read-only by appending the form field annotation XObject Form data to the page content stream, thus making it part of the page contents.
The command can take multiple files and directories as input parameters. By default, each PDF file is saved in the same location as the original file, appending the "_filled" suffix to the file name. Use the --overwrite flag to overwrite the original files. In addition, the filled output files can be saved to a different directory by using the --target-dir flag. The command can search for PDF files inside the subdirectories of the specified input directories by using the --recursive flag.
unipdf form fdfmerge [FLAG]... FDF_FILE INPUT_FILES...
-f, --flatten flatten form annotations
-O, --overwrite overwrite input files
-p, --password string input file password
-r, --recursive search PDF files in subdirectories
-t, --target-dir string output directory
unipdf form fdfmerge fields.fdf file_1.pdf file_n.pdf
unipdf form fdfmerge -O fields.fdf file_1.pdf file_n.pdf
unipdf form fdfmerge -O -r -f fields.fdf file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf form fdfmerge -t out_dir fields.fdf file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf form fdfmerge -t out_dir -r fields.fdf file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf form fdfmerge -t out_dir -r -p pass fields.fdf file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
Flatten PDF file form annotations.
The flattening process makes the form fields of the output files read-only by appending the form field annotation XObject Form data to the page content stream, thus making it part of the page contents.
The command can take multiple files and directories as input parameters. By default, each PDF file is saved in the same location as the original file, appending the "_flattened" suffix to the file name. Use the --overwrite flag to overwrite the original files. In addition, the flattened output files can be saved to a different directory by using the --target-dir flag. The command can search for PDF files inside the subdirectories of the specified input directories by using the --recursive flag.
unipdf form flatten [FLAG]... INPUT_FILES...
-O, --overwrite overwrite input files
-p, --password string input file password
-r, --recursive search PDF files in subdirectories
-t, --target-dir string output directory
unipdf form flatten file_1.pdf file_n.pdf
unipdf form flatten -O file_1.pdf file_n.pdf
unipdf form flatten -O -r file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf form flatten -t out_dir file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf form flatten -t out_dir -r file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
unipdf form flatten -t out_dir -r -p pass file_1.pdf file_n.pdf dir_1 dir_n
Render PDF pages to image targets.
The rendered image files are saved in a ZIP file, at the location specified by the --output-file parameter. If no output file is specified, the ZIP file is saved in the same directory as the input file.
The format of the rendered image files can be specified using the --image-format flag (default jpeg). The quality of the image files can be configured through the --image-quality flag (default 100, only applies to JPEG images).
unipdf render [FLAG]... INPUT_FILE
-f, --image-format string format of the output images (default "jpeg")
-q, --image-quality int quality of the output images (default 100)
-o, --output-file string output file
-P, --pages string pages to render from the input file
-p, --password string input file password
unipdf render in_file.pdf
unipdf render -o images.zip in_file.pdf
unipdf render -o images.zip -P 1-3 in_file.pdf
unipdf render -o images.zip -P 1-3 -p pass in_file.pdf
unipdf render -o images.zip -P 1-3 -p pass -f jpeg -q 100 in_file.pdf
Pages flag example: 1-3,4,6-7
Images will only be rendered for pages 1,2,3 (1-3), 4 and 6,7 (6-7), while
page number 5 is skipped.
Supported image formats:
- jpeg (default)
- png
Get information about license key that being loaded by unipdf-cli.
unipdf license_info
unipdf-cli requires license codes to operate, there are two options:
- Metered License API keys: Free ones can be obtained at https://cloud.unidoc.io
- Offline Perpetual codes: Can be purchased at https://unidoc.io/pricing
Offline licenses are cryptography based and contain full signed information that is verified based on signatures without making any outbound connections, hence the name "offline". This kind of license is suitable for users deploying OEM products to their customers or where there are strict restrictions on outbound connections due to firewalls and/or compliance requirements.
If you have a license for UniPDF, you can set it through the UNIDOC_LICENSE_FILE and UNIDOC_LICENSE_CUSTOMER environment variables.
The metered license is the most convenient way to get started with UniDoc products and the Free tier enables a powerful way to get started for free. Anyone can get a free metered API key by signing up on http://cloud.unidoc.io/
If you have a metered license (API keys), you can set it through the UNIDOC_LICENSE_API_KEY environment variable.
export UNIDOC_LICENSE_API_KEY="unidoc_metered_api_key"