This package is an implementation of a geospatial bounding box algorithm located here.
go get -u
- Earth's equatorial radius of 6,378,137 meters is used for compatibility
with online mapping services such as:
- Google Maps
- Bing Maps
- Mapbox
- Bounds that cross the antimeridian are represented using two bounding boxes.
- Bounds that cross the poles are represented using a single bounding box that has:
- a min longitude of -180 degrees
- a max longitude of 180 degrees
package main
import (
func main() {
// Finds the min/max points for a rectangular area, which will be 276.49km
// southwest and northeast of the center point.
bboxes := bbox.New(276.494742, bbox.Point{
Latitude: -14.2436432,
Longitude: -178.1795257,
for _, bbox := range bboxes {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", bbox)
{Min:{Latitude:-16.727437727172838 Longitude:179.2578499517392} Max:{Latitude:-11.759848672827163 Longitude:180}}
{Min:{Latitude:-16.727437727172838 Longitude:-180} Max:{Latitude:-11.759848672827163 Longitude:-175.61690135173924}}
This example shows how bounds that cross the antimeridian are represented.
$ go test -bench=.
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkNewEmpty-8 10000000 181 ns/op
BenchmarkNYC-8 5000000 263 ns/op
BenchmarkLondon-8 5000000 267 ns/op
BenchmarkMontevideo-8 5000000 268 ns/op
BenchmarkToloke-8 5000000 320 ns/op
BenchmarkSuva-8 5000000 322 ns/op
BenchmarkNorthPole-8 10000000 200 ns/op
BenchmarkSouthPole-8 10000000 202 ns/op
ok 15.109s
- CPU: Intel Core i7-4790k
- Memory: DDR3-1600
- Go: 1.10.2
- Bronshtein, Semendyayev, Musiol, Mühlig: Handbook of Mathematics. Springer, Berlin. ISBN-13: 978-3817120079.