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A curated software root (foundation) for most of our analysis repos


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A curated software root (foundation) for most of our analysis repos, including a version of ROOT 6 w/ HistFactory patches (from Phoebe) applied.

Install nix on macOS (ARM-based)

  1. Go to the official page, follow the Multi-user installation guide.

    Or, just paste this to your terminal:

    sh <(curl -L

    To unistall follow Uninstalling Nix. After reinstalling, if you have a dead symlink follow SSL CA cert error on MacOS.

  2. Install Rosetta 2 by pasting this to your terminal:

    sudo /usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
  3. Install nix-darwin by pasting this to your terminal:

    nix-build -A installer

    When asked, edit the default configuration.nix before starting and add the following lines:

    nix.settings.experimental-features = "nix-command flakes";
    nix.settings.sandbox = false;
    nix.settings.system = "x86_64-darwin";
    nix.settings.extra-platforms = "x86_64-darwin aarch64-darwin";

    You can also edit environment.systemPackages (where you can install additional packages) like this:

    environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
        (lowPrio python39)

    The basic workflow for using Nix is editing ~/.nixpkgs/darwin-configuration.nix and then running darwin-rebuild switch to activate those changes.

  4. Reboot your mac. Check that nix flake returns something.

  5. Clone this project. In nix/python-packages/xgboost/default.nix comment the two lines that refer to graphviz. Update nix/python-packages/scikit-learn/default.nix to version 1.1.1. An example can be found in this section: Create a new ROOT derivation.

  6. In project root, run:

    nix develop
  7. Make sure that you always use the local version of root-curated when you install an additional package. I.e. flake.nix of lhcb-ntuples-gen should look like this:

    inputs = {
        root-curated.url = "~/umd-lhcb/root-curated";
        nixpkgs.follows = "root-curated/nixpkgs";
        flake-utils.follows = "root-curated/flake-utils";
        MuonBDTPid.url = "github:umd-lhcb/MuonBDTPid";
        hammer-reweight.url = "github:umd-lhcb/hammer-reweight";
        misid-unfold.url = "~/umd-lhcb/misid-unfold";
        vertex-resolution.url = "~/umd-lhcb/vertex-resolution";
        flake-compat = {
            url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat";
            flake = false;

    Note that it is possible that you need git+file: before a local path for nix to find your local repo.

  8. Notice that we also use a local version of misid-unfold and vertex-resolution. Some packages, like these two, are missing a library in Makefile. Make sure that in their Makefile you have:

    LINKFLAGS       :=      $(shell root-config --libs) -lc++fs

    More information about using <filesystem> and libc++fs can be found in this link: libc++ 8.0 documentation.

  9. If you have issues witn docker you can try colima to run docker containers on macOS. This is how you can install it with Homebrew together with some useful commands:

    brew install docker docker-compose docker-machine colima
    colima stop
    colima delete # delete existing instance
    # Start with Rosetta 2 emulation
    colima start --arch aarch64 --vm-type=vz --vz-rosetta --cpu 4 --memory 8 --disk 120

    Note: On our server, glacier, you can install docker and colima using the server-user-config package.

  10. Edit lhcb-ntuples-gen/Makefile and add the --platform linux/amd64 option when you docker run:

    ifeq ($(OS),Darwin)
    DV_CMD = "docker run --rm -it --platform linux/amd64 -v $(PWD):/data -e UID=$$(id -u) -e GID=$$(id -g) --net=host umdlhcb/lhcb-stack-cc7:${DAVINCI_VERSION}"
    DV_CMD = "docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD):/data -v $$HOME/.Xauthority:/home/physicist/.Xauthority -e DISPLAY -e UID=$$(id -u) -e GID=$$(id -g) --net=host umdlhcb/lhcb-stack-cc7:${DAVINCI_VERSION}"

    Alternatively, you can add this line to .zshrc:

    export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
  11. If needed, you can locally install ROOT 6.28/06 from source which can be obtained from the corresponding public Git repository.

Install nix on macOS

  1. Go to the official page, follow the Multi-user installation guide.

    Or, just paste this to your terminal:

    sh <(curl -L --daemon
  2. Edit /etc/nix/nix.conf with sudo permission and add the following lines:

    experimental-features = nix-command flakes
    #sandbox = false  # uncomment if you are on macOS!
  3. Reboot your mac. Check that nix flake returns something.

  4. Clone this project. In project root, run:

    nix develop

Useful links for macOS

Install nix on Linux

  1. Go to this project, copy the sh <(curl ... ) line to your terminal and execute it.

  2. Edit /etc/nix/nix.conf with sudo permission and add the following lines:

    experimental-features = nix-command flakes
  3. Reboot your computer. Check that nix flake returns something.

  4. Clone this project. In project root, run:

    nix develop

Automate nix develop by installing direnv

It can be tiresome to type nix develop for every project. direnv provides a solution than enters the shell provided by nix develop automatically. You should install it!

For this guide, it is assumed that nix is already installed.

  1. Add an user-wide overlay so that your nix-direnv knows to use the correct version of nix:

    Add the following content to $HOME/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/base.nix. If the directory doesn't exist, create it.

    final: prev:
      nix-direnv = prev.nix-direnv.override { enableFlakes = true; };
  2. Install direnv and nix-direv with:

    nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix-direnv nixpkgs.direnv
  3. Update your shell configuration:

    1. For bash, edit $HOME/.bashrc:

      eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
    2. For zsh, edit $HOME/.zshrc:

      eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
  4. Configure direnv to source nix-direnv. In $HOME/.direnvrc:

    source $HOME/.nix-profile/share/nix-direnv/direnvrc
  5. Add the following settings to /etc/nix/nix.conf (need sudo):

    keep-outputs = true
    keep-derivations = true
  6. Reboot your computer since nix config has changed.

  7. For any project that has a .envrc in its root, the first time you cd into that directory, direnv will prompt that the envrc is blocked.

    Type direnv allow to unblock it. Next time you cd into that directory, you will automatically enter the nix develop shell w/o typing anything.

Remove unused packages

Over time you may have a large collection of unused packages/old builds inside /nix.

To safely remove these, first follow the direnv section so that direnv will automatically create flags that prevent your latest packages from garbage collection, then:

nix-collect-garbage -d

Create a new ROOT derivation

  1. Pick a base derivation to work on:

    1. If ROOT version > 6.24, start from the official derivation.

      Note: It is recommended to format the official derivation with nixpkgs-fmt so that the diff between the existing and official derivation is more meaningful.

    2. Otherwise, start with an existing derivation, for example nix/root_6_12.

  2. Assume both the derivation and all patches, including the HistFactory one, work. Therefore, only the ROOT version and its sha256sum need to be updated.

    Copy and rename the base derivation folder, for example:

    root_6_12 -> root_6_18

    Denote the new folder as root_new

  3. Locate the following code in root_new/default.nix:

      pname = "root";
      version = "X.YY.ZZ";
      src = fetchurl {
        url = "${version}.source.tar.gz";
        sha256 = "0507e1095e279ccc7240f651d25966024325179fa85a1259b694b56723ad7c1c";
    1. Update the version, i.e. 6.18.04.

    2. Download the source code locally. The URL is:${version}.source.tar.gz

      Don't forget to replace ${version} with the actual version!

    3. Find the sha256sum of the source with:

      sha256sum <path_to_root_src>

      Then update the sha256 attribute.

  4. Create a new entry in nix/overlay.nix, following existing examples.

  5. Locate the following code in flake.nix:

        packages = flake-utils.lib.flattenTree {
          dev-shell = devShell.inputDerivation;
          root = pkgs.root;
          root_6_12_06 = pkgs.root_6_12_06;
          root_5_34_38 = pkgs.root_5_34_38;
          clang-format-all = pkgs.clang-format-all;

    Append the new ROOT entry here as well.

  6. Test if the new ROOT compiles:

    nix build ".#<new_root_pkg_name_defined_in_flake>"

    If everything works, a symbolic link result will be created in project root, pointing to the build result.

    You can test this root with:


    Note: You should delete this symbolic link afterwards so that the build will get garbage-collected in the future.

Update flake inputs

If you want to update all inputs:

nix flake update

If you only want to update specific ones (say stuff):

nix flake lock --update-input stuff

Upgrade nix

Take a look at the official instruction


Package update strategy

  • For the base nixpkgs that contains complier toolchains, etc. Once it is stable, we don't update during the whole lifetime of an analysis.

  • For ROOT, once we pick a major version, we stick with the major version while trying to update to the latest minor version for the lifetime of an analysis.

    For example, if we are using 6.24.00, then we should update to 6.24.02, but we won't update to 6.26.00

  • We should regularly tag working versions of this repository

  • Once a new analysis is started, we should update the base nixpkgs.

  • Ideally we should build docker images for old analyses so that we can always go back even if the whole Nix project shuts down.

ROOT branching strategy

We have a fork of ROOT in our organization. This is used to adapt Phoebe's HistFactory patches with newer versions of ROOT.

The branching strategy is:

  • histfactory_patch: Latest development branch
  • histfactory_patch_vX-YY-ZZ: Historical ROOT versions that work with Phoebe's patch


A curated software root (foundation) for most of our analysis repos







No packages published

Contributors 4
