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Multi Channel Audio Capture

A tool to capture multi-channel audio input and encode it into AAC file


  1. Copy mcac.exe to any folder you like
  2. Make sure your audio device has ASIO™ drivers installed
  3. Make sure you have CoreAudio libraries in your system

Required libraries

AAC encoder

MCAC uses CoreAudio encoder to write AAC format. To install it you may have to follow instructions here:


  1. Run mcac.exe
  2. Select your audio device from the dropdown menu
  3. Select the channels you want to capture
  4. Select the folder for your recording
  5. Press Start button
  6. Perform
  7. Press Stop


MCAC tries to reconnect devices that experience power cycle or USB disconnection


You do not have to manually configure settings.ini as most of the settings are available from the main application screen.

By default MCAC records in the maximum quality available for the AAC encoder in VBR mode. You may want to reduce the quality to save space within range 0-127 where 0 is smallest size and 127 is maximum quality.

Location: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\MultiChannelAudioCapture\settings.ini


device=Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO


By default output files are created in folder %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\MultiChannelAudioCapture


The tool is tested on Windows 10 with Steinberg UR22C, Behringer UMC204HD, Voicemeeter Banana.

You may experience inability to share ASIO™ drivers between MCAC and you DAW. It's not possible to resolve as the sharing is up to the device driver.


MCAC: AAC library not available

Make sure to install CoreAudio to default location in your system. Google for AppleApplicationSupport.msi and AppleApplicationSupport64.msi

MCAC: failed to write packet header

Make sure the output folder has enough space for the recording

MCAC: failed to create output file

Make sure the output folder is writable

Other errors

Please contact maintainer through GitHub issues:

Libraries used to create MCAC

  1. JUCE framework.
  2. ASIO™ headers. ASIO is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH