Push the app with no-start:
cf push environment -s windows2012R2 -b hwc_buildpack --no-start -p ./ViewEnvironment/
If Diego is enabled by default on your CF deployment, you can omit the --no-start
If it's not, or if you're not sure, you'll need to install the Diego Enabler CLI plugin:
cf add-plugin-repo CF-Community http://plugins.cloudfoundry.org/
cf install-plugin Diego-Enabler -r CF-Community
Enable diego and start your app:
cf enable-diego environment
cf start environment
Once your app is pushed, you can navigate to the app's URL and you will see all the VCAP variables. Add ?all= to get all the system variables too.
After your first push, you can simply push your updates without any additional command line arguments:
cf push environment