This is a command to generate Go struct from Atlas HCL Schema.
Install the command.
go install
Generate Go struct from Atlas HCL Schema.
atlas-hcl-gen-go -f schema.hcl -o output.go
The input data uses the schema written in HCL below.
schema "market" {}
table "users" {
schema =
column "name" {
type = text
column "updated_at" {
type = int
column "created_at" {
type = int
Execute the command.
atlas-hcl-gen-go -i schema.hcl -o output.go
The following Go struct will be generated.
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
// atlas-hcl-gen-go: 922707f-dirty
// source: testdata/schema.hcl
package main
type Users struct {
Name int `db:"name"`
UpdatedAt int `db:"updated_at"`
CreatedAt int `db:"created_at"`
- Support some types
- Support some RDBMS schemas (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, ...)
Contributions of any kind welcome!