Grendel is a fast, easy to use bare metal provisioning system for High Performance Computing (HPC) Linux clusters. Grendel simplifies the deployment and administration of physical compute clusters both large and small. It's developed by the University at Buffalo Center for Computational Research (CCR) with more than 20 years of experience in HPC. Grendel is under active development and currently runs CCR's production HPC clusters ranging from 200 to 1500 nodes.
- Web based frontend
- DHCP/PXE/TFTP provisioning
- DNS forward and reverse resolution
- Automatic host discovery
- Diskful and Stateless provisioning
- BMC/iDRAC control via RedFish and IPMI
- Authorized provisioning using Branca tokens
- Rest API
- Easy installation (single binary with no deps)
Grendel is under heavy development and any API's will likely change considerably before a more stable release is available. Use at your own risk. Feedback and pull requests are more than welcome!
The following steps will show how to PXE boot a linux virtual machine using QEMU/KVM and install Flatcar linux using Grendel. A demo of installing and using Grendel can be found here.
To install Grendel download a copy of the binary here.
$ tar xvzf grendel-0.x.x-linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ cd grendel-0.x.x-linux-amd64/
$ ./grendel --help
$ sudo ip tuntap add name tap0 mode tap user ${LOGNAME}
$ sudo ip addr add dev tap0
$ sudo ip link set up dev tap0
For RedHat/CentOS
$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --change-interface=tap0
For Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo ufw allow in on tap0
$ wget
$ wget
Create the following JSON file image.json
"name": "flatcar",
"kernel": "flatcar_production_pxe.vmlinuz",
"initrd": [
"cmdline": "flatcar.autologin"
Create the following JSON file host.json
"name": "tux01",
"provision": true,
"boot_image": "flatcar",
"interfaces": [
"fqdn": "tux01.localhost",
"ip": "",
"mac": "DE:AD:BE:EF:12:8C"
$ sudo ./grendel --verbose serve --hosts host.json --images image.json --listen
Note: The serve command requires root privileges to bind to lower level ports. If you don't want to run as root you can allow Grendel to bind to privileged with the following command:
$ sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE,CAP_NET_RAW=+eip /path/to/grendel
In another terminal window run the following commands:
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -m 2048 -boot n -device e1000,netdev=net0,mac=DE:AD:BE:EF:12:8C -netdev tap,id=net0,ifname=tap0,script=no
Building Grendel requires Go v1.23 or greater. Building iPXE requires packages lzma-sdk-devel, xz-devel, and gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu:
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd grendel/firmware
$ make build
$ make bindata
$ cd ..
$ go build .
$ ./grendel help
Bare Metal Provisioning for HPC
grendel [command]
Available Commands:
bmc Query BMC devices
discover Auto-discover commands
help Help about any command
host Host commands
image Boot Image commands
serve Run services
-c, --config string config file
--debug Enable debug messages
--endpoint string Grendel API endpoint (default "grendel-api.socket")
-h, --help help for grendel
--verbose Enable verbose messages
Use "grendel [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Andrew E. Bruno, Salvatore J. Guercio, Doris Sajdak, Tony Kew, and Matthew D. Jones. 2020. Grendel: Bare Metal Provisioning System for High Performance Computing. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 13–18. DOI:
PXE booting is based on Pixiecore by Dave Anderson. DHCP implementation makes heavy use of this excellent packet library. DNS implementation uses this library. TFTP implementation uses this library. Backend database runs BuntDB or sqlite. NodeSet/RangeSet algorithms ported from ClusterShell
Grendel is released under the GPLv3 license. See REUSE.toml