I've been engaged in software development since the mid-1980s. For the first 13 years of my career, I worked as a professional software engineer, with a primary focus on Java. In 2011, my career shifted towards technology leadership, where I discovered a passion for leading high-performing software development teams using lean methodologies.
I've always maintained my enthusiasm for software engineering, and since 2011, I've continued to explore software and technology in my spare time. Lately, I've shifted from manually writing code to increasingly using existing technologies to address challenges.
Catchup with me on LinkedIn, drop me a note in the Home Assistant Community, or chat with me on Discord. I look forward to hearing from you.
Below, you will find links to help navigate this GitHub profile. In addition, a top level tyzen9 notes wiki is available that contains a collection of technical notes and basic solutions to common problems.
Home Assistant is free and open-source software for home automation designed to be a central control system for smart home devices with a focus on local control and privacy. It is one of my most time consuming passions and hobby, and experience I am happy to share with the community.
- Wiki - Home Assistant - Notes on my experience with Home Assistant
- Home Assistant Configuration - The high-level configuration behind my Home Assistant instance
- Adding Influx and Grafana - A Docker Stack for easily collecting long term HA statistics, and creating beautiful dashboards
Servarr is an ecosystem of open-source applications designed for automating and managing personal media libraries. I find this ecosystem fascinating, and have enjoyed experimenting this technology.
Warning: Downloading media from torrents in some cases can be illegal and may result in copyright infringement charges. Proceed with caution as you could face legal consequences. The content of this project is intended for experimentation and educational purposes only. Use at your own risk.
- Wiki - PIA Servarr - A comprehensive Wiki on how to use the PIA Servarr Docker Stack on a Linux host.
- docker-pia-servarr - A Docker Stack for leveraging Servarr services behind an automated Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN service.
- docker-qbittorrent-port-helper - A docker project that watches for PIA forwarding port number changes, and applies those changes in realtime to a qBittorrent client.
- docker-myanonamouse-ip-helper - A simple image that updates an established myanonamouse.net dynamic seedbox IP.