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Efficient Distributed Evaluation of SPARQL with Apache Spark.

Overview: SPARQL is the W3C standard query language for querying data expressed in RDF (Resource Description Framework). The increasing amounts of RDF data available raise a major need and research interest in building efficient and scalable distributed SPARQL query evaluators.

In this context, we propose and share SPARQLGX: our implementation of a distributed RDF datastore based on Apache Spark. SPARQLGX is designed to leverage existing Hadoop infrastructures for evaluating SPARQL queries. SPARQLGX relies on a translation of SPARQL queries into executable Spark code that adopts evaluation strategies according to (1) the storage method used and (2) statistics on data. Using a simple design, SPARQLGX already represents an interesting alternative in several scenarios.

Version: 1.1 (A change log is available in CHANGES.)

Related Publications

  • Damien Graux, Louis Jachiet, Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda. SPARQLGX: Efficient Distributed Evaluation of SPARQL with Apache Spark. The 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Oct 2016, Kobe, Japan. link

  • Damien Graux, Louis Jachiet, Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda. SPARQLGX in action: Efficient Distributed Evaluation of SPARQL with Apache Spark. The 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Oct 2016, Kobe, Japan. link

  • Damien Graux, Louis Jachiet, Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda. SPARQLGX : Une Solution Distribuée pour RDF Traduisant SPARQL vers Spark. 32ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - Principes, Technologies et Applications, Nov 2016, Poitiers, France. link


Note: Menhir, Yojson and Ocamlfind can all be installed through opam (the ocaml package manager).

How to use it?

In this package, we provide sources to load and query RDF datasets with SPARQLGX and SDE (a SPARQL direct evaluator). We also present a test-suite where two popular RDF/SPARQL benchmarks can be run: LUBM and WatDiv. For space reasons, these two datasets only contain a few hundred of thousand RDF triples, but determinist generators are available on benchmarks' webpages.

Use the provided Dockerfile

We provide a Dockerfile to compile and test SPARQLGX in a Docker container.

It can be built then run with the following command lines:

docker build -t sparqlgx .
docker run -it sparqlgx

The image contains an installation of Hadoop and Spark, according to the versions specified in conf/. They are respectively stored in /opt/hadoop and /opt/spark.

SPARQLGX is installed in /opt/sparqlgx, which is the home directory of the user with same name. All the required tools are installed, so that SPARQLGX can be rebuilt using bash as described in the next section.

By default, spark-submit will run the computations locally (local[*]). This can be changed by mounting a configuration file as /opt/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf.

The configuration of SPARQLGX can be changed by mounting a file as /opt/sparqlgx/conf/sparqlgx.conf.

Get the sources, compile and configure.

Firstly, clone this repository. Secondly, check that all the needed commands are available on your (main) machine and that your HDFS is correctly configured. Thirdly, compile the whole project. Fourthly, you can modify the parameters listed in the configuration file (in conf/) according to your own cluster.

git clone
cd sparqlgx/ ;
bash ;
bash ;

Load an RDF dataset.

SPARQLGX can only load RDF data written according to the N-Triples format; however, as many datasets come in other standards (e.g. RDF/XML...) we also provide a .jar file (rdf2rdf in bin/) from an external developer able to translate RDF data from a standard to an other one.

Before, loading an RDF triple file, you have to copy it directly on the HDFS. Then, the complete preprocessing routine can be realized using the load parameter; it will partition the HDFS triple file and compute statistics on data. These two distinct steps can be executed separately with respectively light-load and generate-stat.

hadoop fs -copyFromLocal local_file.nt hdfs_file.nt ;
bash bin/ light-load dbName hdfs_file.nt ;
bash bin/ generate-stat dbName hdfs_file.nt ;
bash bin/ load dbName hdfs_file.nt ;

Remove a dataset.

bash bin/ remove dbName ;

Execute a SPARQL query.

To execute a SPARQL query over a loaded RDF dataset, users can use query which translates the SPARQL query into Scala, compiles it and runs it with Apache Spark. Moreover, users can call SDE (the SPARQLGX Direct Evaluator) with direct-query which directly evaluates SPARQL queries on RDF datasets saved on the HDFS. Finally, three levels of optimizations are available:

  1. No Optimization If --no-optim is specified in the command line, SPARQLGX or SDE will execute the given query following exactly the order of clauses in the WHERE.

  2. Avoid Cartesian Products [Default] If no optimization option is given to either SPARQLGX or SDE, the translation engine will try to avoid (if possible) cartesian product in its translation output.

  3. Query Planning with Statistics The --stat option is only available with SPARQLGX since SDE directly evaluates queries without preprocessing phase; in addition, you should have already generate statistics either with generate-stat or with load. It will imply a reordering of SPARQL query clauses (triple patterns in the WHERE{...}) according to data repartition. Finally, it will also try to avoid cartesian products from the new statistic-based order.

bash bin/ query dbName local_query.rq ;
bash bin/ direct-query local_query.rq hdfs_file.nt ;

Translate Only (for debugging).

It is also possible to translate only the SPARQL query (without executing the output) into the Scala code. This routine returns the origin query, the one that is actually translated after the potential optimizations (--no-optim or --stat or nothing) and the obtained Scala code.

bash bin/ translate dbName local_query.rq ;

Run the test suite.

We also provide a basic test suite using two popular benchmarks (LUBM and WatDiv). To that purpose, we pre-generated two small RDF datasets and give the various queries required for these benchmarks. The test suite is divided into three parts: sets up files and directories on the HDFS, executes everything (preprocessing, querying with SDE or SPARQLGX and with various optimization options), puts everything back in place.

cd tests/ ;
bash ;
bash ; # This step can take a while!


This project is under the CeCILL license.


Damien Graux
Louis Jachiet
Pierre Genevès
Nabil Layaïda

Tyrex Team, Inria (France)

Research Project and funding body: the ANR CLEAR Project