This will be my online portfolio.
Step 1. Landing page, Text typewriter, Video back ground -splash mid? -create timer for end of sequence -section off div here -send it to test
Step 2. Create super dope portfolio page -like extra dope
Step 3. Add links or pathways to portfolio examples
-add in game, app, and code snippet?
-redo games in first portion of app
-add node app as example
maybe add an additional example??+
-start new project with freelance work
-redo cmd-line project and add to portfolio
Step 4. Create contact page -add tab to home page -alter homepage? -add social media info(??) _possibly link to new twitter page creation_ls site mention and twitter mention
Step 5. Add bots or games to a seperate example of portfolio strength (liri bot options) -this should be work related things -make seperate note of bootcamp examples? -edit a game -create added resume with downloadable section password protected //or release with email input//but capture email Step 6. Add a seperate page for the tools section including non-technical remote work. - mention HR, admin, ops, va or nah?mmmmmm - new page (this should go in detail about customer support) - keep out specific companies or blur out (list industries) -possibly link to LS site__ updating ls site_keep ls site more updates -also add note about ls
Step 7. Add documents to landing page and review other landing pages for inspiration. - possible add a scrolling page or flash element timed after the rocket - possible password protect?