Lolserver is static web server, that hosts your current directory in http://localhost:4567. It also renders markdown documents.
For example, if you run lolserver in lolserver project folder, it will render a directory index if index.html
is missing.
Optional: You need to install Ruby. I'd suggest you use rbenv.
If you are running Windows, use
You can install this gem from github. Nope, I haven't pushed this into rubygems. Not yet, anyway.
git clone
gem build lolserver.gemspec
gem install lolserver-0.0.1.gem
lolserver has only one dependency, which is sinatra.
Open console window, go to the directory of your choise and start lolserver.
cd your/project/folder
Then, open your browser on http://localhost:4567.
This little tool was built using the ideology called "Scratch your own itch". It means that this tool is experimental, and you will use it on your own risk.
Running lolserver on wifi network opens your file system to everyone on that network if your firewall does not block incoming connections on port 4567. So please be careful.