Empowering Structural Engineers with Seamless Communication Between SpColumn and ETABS
This lib is managed by UV to manage its dependency and package
Please install UV in your local machine and run the following command to make use of the pyproject.toml
to install the needed development components.
uv sync
If you want to add package to the project
uv add 'package name'
Please take a look at the uv command so we can make it through on the same procedure.
UV documentation
Please create your own branch and then merge change with main
Sp-editor covers the following exciting features:
- Extract wall pier geometry defined in Etabs and transform to (X, Y) coordinates
- Extract pier design forces from Etabs and convert to SpColumn format
- Get user input of reinforcement pattern
- Run Batch processing and export demand capacity ratio results and PMM chart
- Provide complete SpColumn file for detailed design at later phases(ie., 100DD or CD).
We got a 2 minutes video demo here in the Youtube link and user interface of the