Rapid 16s rDNA from isolate FASTQ files
is a command-line software tool to identify
bacterial species based on 16S rDNA sequence directly
from WGS FASTQ data. It includes databases from
NCBI (default), RDP and SILVA.
# just give it sequences!
% sixess R1.fastq.gz
Staphylococcus epidermidis
# sometimes there is no match
% sixess /dev/null
No matches
# give it as many sequence files as needed
% sixess R1.fq R2.fq
Enterococcus faecium
# we provide different databases you can choose
% sixess -d RDP contigs.fa
Bacillus cereus
# you can pipe to stdin too
% bzcat chernobyl.fq.bz2 | sixess -
Deinococcus radiodurans
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/tseemann/sixess
export PATH=$HOME/sixess/bin:$PATH
brew install brewsci/bio/sixess # COMING SOON
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge sixess # COMING SOON
The input can be one or more sequence files, or -
denoting stdin
The input data can be FASTQ or FASTA, and may be .gz
Any read length is accepted, even whole chromosomes.
The output is a single line to stdout
If a match was found, it will be Genus species
If no prediction could be made, it will be No matches
-q Quiet mode, no output
-p DIR Database folder (/home/tseemann/git/sixess/db)
-d FILE Database {NCBI RDP SILVA.gz} (NCBI)
-t NUM CPU threads (1)
-m FILE Save alignments to FILE in PAF format
-V Print version and exit
enables "quiet mode" which only prints to stderr for errors-p
is the location of the sequence databases-d
selects the database; they can be.gz
compressed (see Databases-t
increases threads; 3 is the suggested value forminimap2
allows you to save the PAF output ofminimap2
prints the version and exits e.g.sixess 1.0
The NCBI 16S ribosomal RNA project contains curated 16S ribosomal RNA bacteria and archaea RefSeq entries. It has ~20,000 entries.
esearch -db nucleotide -query '33175[BioProject] OR 33317[BioProject]' \
| efetch -db nuccore -format fasta \
> $(which sixess)/../db/NCBI
Bacterial 16S rDNA sequences for "type strains"
from the RDP database
are included. These are denoted with (T)
in the
FASTA headers. It contains ~10,000 entries.
wget --no-check-certificate https://rdp.cme.msu.edu/download/current_Bacteria_unaligned.fa.gz
gunzip -c current_Bacteria_unaligned.fa.gz \
| bioawk -cfastx '/\(T\)/{print ">" $name " " $comment "\n" toupper($seq)}' \
> $(which sixess)/../db/RDP
SILVA is a comprehensive on-line resource for quality checked and aligned ribosomal RNA sequence data. The filtered version of the aligned 16S/18S/SSU database contains ~100,000 entries.
# replace "132" with latest version as needed
wget https://www.arb-silva.de/fileadmin/silva_databases/release_132/Exports/SILVA_132_SSURef_Nr99_tax_silva.fasta.gz
gunzip -v SILVA_132_SSURef_Nr99_tax_silva.fasta.gz \
| bioawk -cfastx \
'$comment ~ /^Bacteria;|^Archaea;/ \
&& $comment !~ /(;unidentified|Mitochondria;|;Chloroplast|;uncultured| sp\.)/ \
{ sub(/^.*;/,"",$comment);
print ">" $name " " $comment "\n" $seq }' \
| seqtk seq -l 60 -U \
> SILVA.tmp1
cd-hit-est -i SILVA.tmp1 -o SILVA.tmp2 -c 1.0 -T 0 -M 2000 -d 250
cp SILVA.tmp2 $(which sixess)/../db/SILVA
rm -f SILVA.tmp1 SILVA.tmp2 SILVA.tmp2.clstr
Assuming you have a FASTA file of 16S DNA sequences
called /home/alex/GG.fa
say, you can do this:
cp /home/alex/GG.fa $(which sixess)/../db/GG
sixess -d GG R1.fastq.gz
sixess -p /home/alex/data -d GG.fa R1.fastq.gz
- Identify reads which look like 16S (
) - Count up how many reads hit each 16S sequence (possibly weighted)
- Choose the top hit and report it
Report bugs and give suggesions on the Issues page