In silico Legionella pneumophila Sequence Based Typing (SBT)
SBT stands for sequence-based typing. The purpose of the Legionella pneumophila SBT scheme is to provide a rapid and easily comparable method for the epidemiological typing of clinical and environmental isolates of Legionella pneumophila in outbreak investigations.
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults legsta
brew install brewsci/bio/legsta
cd $HOME
git clone
cd $HOME/legsta/test
../bin/legsta *.fna *.gbk
The any2fasta
tool is used to convert input files to FASTA for
feeding to isPcr
. It can accept FASTA, Genbank, EMBL, GFF, and
many other formats.
The files may also be compressed with gzip, bzip2 or zip.
Output is a TSV file (or CSV if --csv
is used).
Alleles with no in silico product are denoted -
and novel alleles listed using ?
% cd legsta/test
% ../bin/legsta NC_006368.fna NC_018140.fna CR628336.1.gbk.gz missing_flaA.fna FJBS01000000.fna.bz2
FILE SBT flaA pilE asd mip mompS proA neuA
NC_006368.fna 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1
NC_018140.fna 734 2 6 17 1 1 8 11
CR628336.1.gbk.gz 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1
missing_flaA.fna - - 14 16 25 7 13 206
FJBS01000000.fna.bz2 - 3 10 1 3 14 9 ?
Option | Description |
--quiet |
do not print any informational messages to stderr |
--csv |
comma-separated output instead of tab-separated |
--noheader |
don't print table header to output (ie. FILE SBT flaA ... ) |
--version |
print legsta X.Y.Z version to stdout and exit |
Submit questions or issues to our Issue Tracker
- Torsten Seemann
- Anders Goncalves Da Silva
- Andrew Buultjens
- Jason Kwong
- Natalie Groves for providing the latest sequences and profiles from the PHE database