Repositories associated with Weizenbaum research group Trust in Distributed Environments.
Some projects also showcased here.
Repositories associated with Weizenbaum research group Trust in Distributed Environments.
Some projects also showcased here.
A crawler for the IPFS network, code for our paper ( Also holds scripts to evaluate the obtained data and make similar plots as in the paper.
Tools and library for analyzing FBASs like Stellar and MobileCoin
An IPFS Plugin to Collect Protocol Metrics and Wiretap Bitswap via a TCP server
A collection of tools and schemas in Rust to analyze data on IPFS and BitSwap traces.
PoC code for paper "Erasing Data from Blockchain Nodes" (IEEE S&B 2019)
Python 4
A MobileCoin network crawler. Corresponding preprint available on arXiv (
A collection of tools and schemas in Rust to analyze data on IPFS and BitSwap traces.
A crawler for the IPFS network, code for our paper ( Also holds scripts to evaluate the obtained data and make similar plots as in the paper.
An IPFS Plugin to Collect Protocol Metrics and Wiretap Bitswap via a TCP server
Interactive analyses of the Stellar public network using fbas_analyzer compiled to WebAssembly.
A MobileCoin network crawler. Corresponding preprint available on arXiv (