ke_search_hooks contains an example for extending the TYPO3 ke_search with a custom indexer and other function using the hooks ke_search provides.
Please feel free to use it as a kickstarter for your own indexer.
If you find bugs or want to ask for a feature, please use
Note: This is the version for ke_search version 4 and above. (The namespace of ke_search has changed in version 4.)
The hooks are registered in the file ext_localconf.php and point to the PHP class which implements the function itself.
- Custom Indexer: Indexes records from the extension "News" (ext:news)
- Hook for addtional content fields: Indexes additional fields from the tt_content table, e.g. the subheader
- Hook for a check if a content element should be indexed at all
- Hook to add a custom autosuggest provider (ke_search_premium feature)
- Hook to add custom values to the result row partial
- Hook to change the sorting
- Hook to modify the values of the record which will be stored in the index
- Hook for a custom filter renderer
- Hook to register additional fields in the index table
- Example for showing images of fe_users if you have implemented a fe_users indexer