Releases: totvs/tir
What's Changed
- release 1.20.29 by @98llm in #1635
- fix chrome input on chrome by @98llm in #1636
- match case add on waitShow by @98llm in #1638
- Hotfix/check screen by @renanllisboa in #1640
- Release/v1.20.30rc1 by @98llm in #1637
- Hotfix/duplicated logs by @98llm in #1643
- check_error to check_news_screen by @98llm in #1644
- Release/v1.20.30rc2 by @renanllisboa in #1645
- Hotfix/button footer by @98llm in #1651
- Release/v1.20.30rc3 by @98llm in #1654
- compatibilize by @98llm in #1656
- Release/v1.20.30rc3 by @98llm in #1658
- fix fill_date by @98llm in #1659
- Release/v1.20.30rc4 by @98llm in #1661
- Release/v1.20.30 by @98llm in #1663
Full Changelog: v1.20.29...v1.20.30
Na primeira quinzena de abril de 2025, será lançada a versão TIR 2.0, compatível com Python 3.12. Essa atualização traz diversas melhorias e aprimoramentos.
Principais mudanças:
- Atualização das bibliotecas do Python, proporcionando mais segurança;
- Suporte ao Selenium 4.0, garantindo melhorias internas significativas (changelog do Selenium);
- Homologação para execução no navegador Chrome;
- Melhorias de desempenho na execução.
- Python 3.12
- Webapp versão 9.0.0+
Observação: A presença de versões do Python anteriormente instaladas, pode causar conflitos na execução e denominação de ambientes. Caso seja necessário mantê-las recomendamos utilizar a biblioteca virtualenv para isolar os ambientes para as diferentes versões (
Como utilizar antecipadamente o TIR 2.0
Se deseja começar a usar essa versão antes do lançamento oficial, siga os passos abaixo:
- Configurar o virtualEnv;
- Instale a versão Python 3.12;
- Execute o seguinte comando:
pip install git+ --upgrade --force-reinstall
- Pronto! Agora seu ambiente está preparado para a nova versão.
Descontinuação da versão TIR 1.x.x
A partir do lançamento do TIR 2.0, a versão 1.0x será descontinuada. Isso significa que, ao executar o comando
bash pip install tir_framework --upgrade
o TIR 2.0 será instalado automaticamente. Sendo necessário atualizar a versão do python.
Fiquem atentos para mais atualizações e preparem seus ambientes para essa nova fase do TIR!
What's Changed
- v1.20.28 by @98llm in #1614
- iframe fix filter by @98llm in #1615
- fix poui by @98llm in #1619
- Release/v1.20.29rc1 by @renanllisboa in #1616
- hotfix in find_shadow_element by @HelenaAdrignoli in #1620
- fix program_screen main by @98llm in #1621
- Release/v1.20.29rc2 by @98llm in #1622
- fix poui reload by @98llm in #1623
- Release/v1.20.29rc3 by @98llm in #1624
- Hotfix/chrome input date by @98llm in #1625
- Release/v1.20.29rc3 by @98llm in #1626
- hotfix in setbutton by @HelenaAdrignoli in #1628
- rething chrome input by @98llm in #1630
- Release/v1.20.29rc4 by @98llm in #1629
- Release/v1.20.29 by @98llm in #1631
Full Changelog: v1.20.28...v1.20.29
What's Changed
- Release/1.20.27 by @98llm in #1568
- ConfigLoader class changed to load .json one time. by @renanllisboa in #1573
- refactor logging to added buffer memory handle. by @renanllisboa in #1574
- Feature/logging by @renanllisboa in #1575
- added new zindex check to click_tree right_click by @renanllisboa in #1577
- Release/v1.20.28rc1 by @renanllisboa in #1578
- Change names by @98llm in #1580
- Release/v1.20.28rc1 by @renanllisboa in #1581
- refactor the program_screen method to gain more stability by @renanllisboa in #1582
- Release/v1.20.28rc2 by @renanllisboa in #1583
- fix po-tabs search by @98llm in #1585
- feature to checkListBox by @98llm in #1586
- added set_button_character method by @renanllisboa in #1587
- fix get_web_value in fill_select_element by @renanllisboa in #1588
- Release/v1.20.28rc3 by @renanllisboa in #1589
- add server environment in restart method and default value in program… by @renanllisboa in #1590
- Release/v1.20.28rc4 by @renanllisboa in #1591
- feature to click combo by @98llm in #1593
- Release/v1.20.28rc5 by @98llm in #1594
- fix combo input by @98llm in #1595
- Release/v1.20.28rc6 by @98llm in #1596
- Hotfix/po search by @98llm in #1597
- add configloader loading check and some changes to restructured resta… by @renanllisboa in #1598
- refactor base_database log_error by @renanllisboa in #1599
- Release/v1.20.28rc6 by @renanllisboa in #1600
- Hotfix/data base by @98llm in #1601
- Release/v1.20.28rc6 by @98llm in #1602
- Hotfix/po search by @98llm in #1603
- Hotfix/webapp internal coverage by @renanllisboa in #1604
- Release/v1.20.28rc6 by @renanllisboa in #1605
- change post_exec ConfigLoader call by @renanllisboa in #1606
- Release/v1.20.28rc8 by @renanllisboa in #1607
- Bump opencv-python from to by @dependabot in #1499
- Venvdoc by @98llm in #1610
- fix image by @98llm in #1612
- Release/v1.20.28rc8 by @98llm in #1611
- Release/v1.20.28 by @98llm in #1609
- Develop by @98llm in #1613
Full Changelog: v1.20.27...v1.20.28
What's Changed
- Release/v1.20.26 by @98llm in #1560
- add is_active_element method iin input_value by @renanllisboa in #1562
- Release/v1.20.27rc1 by @renanllisboa in #1564
- Release/v1.20.27 by @98llm in #1567
Full Changelog: v1.20.26...v1.20.27
What's Changed
- v1.20.25 by @98llm in #1549
- fix active element change by @98llm in #1550
- Hotfix/clickfolder_not_displayed by @renanllisboa in #1553
- avoid literal '>' in click_tree labels by @renanllisboa in #1554
- Release/v1.20.26rc1 by @98llm in #1551
- fix try send keys active by @98llm in #1556
- Release/v1.20.26rc2 by @renanllisboa in #1557
- Release/v1.20.26 by @98llm in #1559
Full Changelog: v1.20.25...v1.20.26
What's Changed
- Release/v1.20.24 by @98llm in #1519
- Feature/remove_scroll_to_element by @renanllisboa in #1520
- Release/v1.20.25rc1 by @renanllisboa in #1521
- fix json errors messages by @98llm in #1525
- fix a browser behavior change after webappTS31 by @98llm in #1528
- Release/v1.20.25rc2 by @98llm in #1526
- Hotfix/github_actions_lint by @renanllisboa in #1532
- fix SearchBrowse to index cases by @98llm in #1530
- Release/v1.20.25rc3 by @98llm in #1533
- clickbox stale error by @98llm in #1535
- Hotfix/click_tree_last_item by @renanllisboa in #1536
- Release/v1.20.25rc4 by @renanllisboa in #1537
- fix scroll to not displayed elements by @98llm in #1541
- Hotfix/clickfolder_scroll by @renanllisboa in #1542
- Release/v1.20.25rc5 by @renanllisboa in #1543
- Hotfix/rollback_scroll_to_element by @renanllisboa in #1544
- Release/v1.20.25rc6 by @renanllisboa in #1545
- Release/v1.20.25 by @98llm in #1548
Full Changelog: v1.20.24...v1.20.25
What's Changed
- Release/v1.20.23 by @98llm in #1508
- shadow root care for ClickTree by @98llm in #1509
- added try_send_keys in program_screen method. by @renanllisboa in #1513
- Release/v1.20.24rc1 by @98llm in #1512
- hotfix param tree case by @98llm in #1514
- Release/v1.20.24rc2 by @98llm in #1516
- Release/v1.20.24 by @98llm in #1518
Full Changelog: v1.20.23...v1.20.24
What's Changed
- release/v1.20.22 by @98llm in #1472
- hotfix/initial_time by @renanllisboa in #1475
- Release/v1.20.23rc1 by @renanllisboa in #1476
- parameter_screen none return fix by @98llm in #1477
- protecting chrome_driver manager, adding some tryings. by @renanllisboa in #1481
- hotfix grids combobox by @98llm in #1485
- hotfix chrome combobox triggers by @98llm in #1483
- change default release in checks_empty_line() method by @renanllisboa in #1487
- Release/v1.20.23rc1 by @renanllisboa in #1489
- Release/v1.20.23rc2 by @98llm in #1484
- added try in escape to menu method by @renanllisboa in #1490
- branch release v1.20.23rc3 by @renanllisboa in #1491
- Hotfixwebapp version by @98llm in #1493
- Docstrings/setbutton improve by @98llm in #1495
- Adding default value to the group field if doesn't exist. by @renanllisboa in #1496
- Feature/schedule method by @98llm in #1498
- validate clickcheckbox input by @98llm in #1500
- Release/v1.20.23rc3 by @renanllisboa in #1494
- add get_program_name method in to fill program info in log. by @renanllisboa in #1503
- Branch release v1.20.23rc4 by @renanllisboa in #1504
- Release/v1.20.23 by @98llm in #1507
Full Changelog: v1.20.22...v1.20.23
What's Changed
- Ajuste para considerer secrets e trigger manual no workflow docker by @AlencarGabriel in #1437
- Release/v1.20.20 by @98llm in #1438
- Publishing documentation 26/06/2024 15:40 by @98llm in #1439
- fix setButton x by @98llm in #1440
- Hotfix/dash release info by @renanllisboa in #1443
- Release/v1.20.21rc1 by @98llm in #1442
- Hotfix/set button by @98llm in #1445
- Hotfix/set button x by @98llm in #1446
- fix SetButton by @98llm in #1447
- Release/v1.20.21rc2 by @98llm in #1448
- hotfix/setfile_path by @98llm in #1449
- x3 variable correct by @98llm in #1450
- Release/v1.20.21rc2 by @98llm in #1451
- remove strip check in password by @renanllisboa in #1453
- improve webscrap filter by @98llm in #1455
- log to analyse by @98llm in #1456
- Release/v1.20.21rc3 by @renanllisboa in #1454
- remove reversed rows by @98llm in #1458
- hotfix/python-docker-version by @renanllisboa in #1457
- hotfix/odbc_drivers_check by @renanllisboa in #1460
- Release/v1.20.21rc4 by @98llm in #1459
- Release/v1.20.21 by @98llm in #1462
Full Changelog: v1.20.20...v1.20.21