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Automated pentesting framework

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Ciber-Toolkit is a framework designed to automate the process of downloading and installing different penetration testing tools . It's based in ToolKit Framework. It just support linux for the moment, it is considered that it will be developed in the future for windows, for the moment use Docker alternative.

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

Ciber-Toolkit is an improved version of ToolKit Framework. Most important differences are:

  • Tested tools - Download and installation is completed on every OS
  • Modular tools - The download and install script is not needed to be modified, just .json file
  • Docker support - Docker image alternatives

🏁 Getting Started


- Python3 or higher
- Linux OS (Tested on Kali)
- Sudo access
- Windows isn't supported yet


# Installing using github
$ git clone
$ cd cibertoolkit
$ sudo bash -y # For automated installation, remove 'y' parameter if wanted

# Installing using docker
$ docker pull adriantoral/cibertoolkit
$ docker run -it --name toolkit adriantoral/cibertoolkit

# If port forwarding is needed, use this one instead
$ docker run -it --name toolkit -p <host_port>:<docker_port> adriantoral/cibertoolkit

🎈 Usage

First steps

# Once installed, if shortcut created, run:
$ sudo toolkit

# Else, run:
$ cd src/ciber-toolkit && sudo python3

# If you want to build docker image, run:
$ docker build -t cibertoolkit .
$ docker run -it --name toolkit cibertoolkit

# Or download it from docker hub, run:
$ docker pull adriantoral/cibertoolkit
$ docker run -it --name toolkit adriantoral/cibertoolkit

Introducing to the power of the Terminal

Our goal is to make a fully functional pentesting environment, to achieve that, we need some powerful tools, like a Terminal It's not perfect yet, but we're trying.

Some things it can do for the moment are:

- You can use all bash commands (an status will be returned). Some commands : bash, pwd, echo, apt, ...
- Use installed tools shortcuts : tk-{lowercase tool name} 
- Installation arguments : When installing a tool, you can use some arguments such :
  - y || yes (for automatic run)
  - More in a future...
- Name instead of index for tool selection
- Clear terminal : Typing clear, clean or <enter> will clean terminall interface

⛏️ Built Using

  • Python3.8
  • Json
  • Bash (sh)
  • Docker

✍️ Authors

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

🎉 Acknowledgements

✨ Useful links