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A powerful collection of utility functions for JavaScript/TypeScript projects. Fast, functional, and fully typed.
npm install topkat-utils
# or
yarn add topkat-utils
DescriptiveError(value, type)
: Improves JSError
class by adding a way to add extraInformations to error, which is a must have in the context of debugging and logging the right informations
// Example usage
try {
if(user.age < 18) {
throw new DescriptiveError('Not allowed', { age: user.age, code: 403, ...additionalInfosToDisplayInLogs })
} catch (error) {
// Error message: "Expected number, got string: '25'"
C.error(error.message) //
C.error(error.logs) // display logs as string array
C.error(error.errorDescription) // display all extraInfos / options provided as second param
: all in one logger util
// Basic usage
C.log('Hello World') // [INFO] Hello World
C.info('Info!') // [INFO] Info! Usually blue
// Errors and warning will take the most informations out of your errors and does particularly fit with DescriptiveError() class
C.error('Oops!') // [ERROR] Oops! Error: Something went wrong\nat doSomething (/app/src/utils.js:42:15)...
C.error(false, 'Oops!')// Error without stack trace
C.warning('Warning!') // [WARN] Warning! Error: Something went wrong\nat doSomething (/app/src/utils.js:42:15)...
C.warning(false, 'Warning!') // Same without stack trace
// With objects parsing
C.log({ user: 'John', age: 30 }) // [INFO] { user: 'John', age: 30 }
// Terminal custom colors
C.log(C.red('Hello') + C.dim('World') + C.green('of') + C.logClr('Typescript', [0, 255, 150]))
C.success('Successfully built') // Color green `'✓ Successfully built'`
C.clearLastLines(2) // clears the last two lines of the terminal
: Util to measure performances
const time = perfTimer()
for(let i = 0; i < 9999;i++) longProcess()
console.log('Process took ' + time.end()) // 'Process took 2.22 seconds
: convert circular structures to valid JSON // TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
validator(value, type)
: Type validation utility. Will throw an error if not valid. If you prefer that the function returns an error array, usevalidatorReturnErrArray
{ value: 3, type: 'number', gte: 1, lte: 3 },
{ name: 'email', value: '[email protected]', regexp: /[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]/},
: Check if a value is defined and not null (ignores other falsy values)isEmpty(value)
: Check if a value is emptyisObject(value)
: Check if value is a plain object (not null, not Date, not array, etc.)
: Deep clone objects, useful when you want to manipulate object with subobjects without modifying any references to those objectsmergeDeep(obj1, obj2)
: Deep merge objectsobjForceWrite(obj, 'user.address.line1', addressVar)
: Forces a path to be written in nested object and create subObjects if necessaryflattenObject(obj)
: Flatten nested objects with pros as dot notation
// Example of flattenObject
const nested = {
user: {
name: 'John',
address: {
street: '123 Main St',
city: 'New York'
settings: {
theme: 'dark'
const flattened = flattenObject(nested)
// Result:
// {
// 'user.name': 'John',
// 'user.address.street': '123 Main St',
// 'user.address.city': 'New York',
// 'settings.theme': 'dark'
// }
: Unflatten objects back to nested structureobjFilterUndefined(obj)
: Remove undefined values from objectfindByAddress(obj, path)
: Get value by dot notation path
const obj = {
user: {
profile: {
name: 'John'
findByAddress(obj, 'user.profile.name') // 'John'
findByAddress(obj, 'user.settings.theme') // undefined
: Randomize array orderrandomItemInArray(array)
: Get random item from arraypushIfNotExist(array, item)
: Push item if not already presentnoDuplicateFilter(array)
: Remove duplicates from arraygetArrayInCommon(arr1, arr2)
: Get common elements between arraysgetArrayDiff(arr1, arr2)
: Get difference between arraysarrayCount(arr, 'stringInstance')
: Count number of occurence of item in array
isBetween(value, min, max)
: Check if a number is within a rangerandom(min, max)
: Generate random number between two valuesminMax(value, min, max)
: Clamp a number between min and max valuesaverage(array)
: Calculate average of array valuessumArray(array)
: Sum values in an arrayround(number, nbDecimals)
: Round number to X decimal placesround2(number)
: Round number to 2 decimal places
miniTemplater(template, data)
: Simple template engine
// Basic usage
miniTemplater('Hello {{name}}!', { name: 'John' }) // 'Hello John!'
: Clean string for printing (undefined, null, NaN)pad(number, length)
: Pad numbers with leading zerosgenerateToken(length, isUnique, mode)
: Generate random tokens (not to use un security workflows)convertAccentedCharacters(str, options)
: Eg:'éçàÉ' => 'ecaE'
. Convert accented characters to non-accented with options to remove spaces or numbersnbOccurenceInString(str, occurence)
: A mix between jsfor(let i = ....i++)
loop and a map. Iterates over a specified number of times, passing each iteration's result to the next callback
// Generate Fibonacci sequence
forI(8, (i, previousItem, results) => {
if (i <= 1) return 1
return results[i-1] + results[i-2]
// Returns: [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21]
: The simplest way do iterate recursively on every item of an object
{ a: { b: true } }, // object OR array
(item, addr, lastElementKey, parent) => {
C.log(item) // true
C.log(addr) // 'a.b'
C.log(lastElementKey) // 'b'
C.log(parent) // { a: { b: 3 } }
C.log(findByAddress(addr)) // true // just aother way to get the value
return false
: Convert date to integer format (20290101)dateOffset(date, offset)
: Add time offset to dategetDuration(start, end)
: Calculate duration between datesisWeekend(date)
: Check if date is weekendfirstDayOfMonth(date)
: Get first day of monthlastDayOfMonth(date)
: Get last day of month
: Join URL paths (like path.join but for URLs)
// Handles double slashes correctly
urlPathJoin('https://api.example.com//v1', '/users/', 'userId') // => 'https://api.example.com/v1/users/userId'
: Will escape all special character in a string to output a valid regexp string to put in RegExp(myString)- Eg: from
will output'aa\..*?\.addr\(.*?\)'
so regexp match'path.random.addr(randomItem)'
- Eg: from
: Replace'hello-world'
,'hello World'
camelCase([word1, word2])
: Convert to camelCasesnakeCase([word1, word2])
: Convert to snake_casekebabCase([word1, word2])
: Convert to kebab-casepascalCase([word1, word2])
: Convert to PascalCasetitleCase([word1, word2])
: Convert to Titlecase
: shortcut toprocess.env
. Parse boolean and number valuesparseBool(value)
: Parse boolean values
: Promise-based timeout
: Lock all 1st level props of an object to read only (not rewritable / modifiable)reassignForbidden(obj)
: Fields of the object can be created BUT NOT reassignatedreadOnlyRecursive(obj)
: All fields and subFields of the object will be readOnly
:lowerCase('HelloWorld' as const) // type: 'helloworld'
(Equivalent of typeLowerCase<MyString>
:upperCase('HelloWorld' as const) // type: 'HELLOWORLD'
(Equivalent of typeUpperCase<MyString>
: In JS object entries are not correctly typed (Object.entries({ a: 1, b: true }) // type: [string, number | boolean]
). With this function we are typed likeobjEntries({ a: 1, b: true }) // ["a", number] | ["b", boolean]
: In JS object keys are not correctly typed (Object.keys({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // type: string
). With this function we are typed likeobjKeys({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // type: 'a' | 'b'
: Fix this always happening ts error when using includes and your search string is not typed as an array element (which is very dumb IMO)
Place that at the top of your code
terminal: {
// Custom colors for terminal logs
theme: {...},
// disable colors in case your logs are outputted as plain text
noColor: true,
// if you use topkatUtils as a logger and error handler
// onError custom callback
onError: () => { /** */ },
/** Exemple of preprocessing log */
preprocessLog(log: string) { return 'MyAppName: ' + Date.now() + ' ' + log }
This library is fully typed and provides TypeScript definitions out of the box. Every Util is documented via JsDoc and documentation should appear on hover in your IDE
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request
If you need help or have questions, please open an issue on GitHub.