Certbot is a client for automated certificate authorities (CA) especially Let's Encrypt.
For information about Let's Encrypt please visit: https://letsencrypt.org
This project helps you to setup and run Certbot in userland which means within an unprivileged user account (non-root) in this context.
For information about Certbot please visit: https://certbot.eff.org
This software is licensed under GNU General Public License, Version 3, see LICENSE.txt for details.
We assume you are webmaster of example.com and some related subdomains and want to acquire and renew TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt. You have SSH access to the webspace and are allowed to run locally deployed software and cronjobs in userland.
Create a Python environment with a buildout module:
$ virtualenv venv $ venv/bin/pip install zc.buildout
Clone this project from Github:
$ git clone https://github.com/veit/userland-certbot.git
Change into the projects directory:
$ cd userland-certbot
Buildout (actually install) the environment:
$ ../venv/bin/buildout
Before use you to have to register first. This creates a Let's Encrypt account linked to your email address:
$ bin/certbot-register
To acquire a certificate from Let's Encrypt simply run:
$ bin/certbot-runner certonly -d example.com -d www.example.com...
Please ensure that your webserver serves content for
from <install-dir>/parts/certbot/web/.well-known/acme-challenge so that acquisition requests can be properly processed.
To renew all certificates due to renewal simply run:
$ bin/certbot-runner renew [--force-renewal]
Please ensure that your webserver serves content for
from parts/certbot/web/.well-known/acme-challenge so that renewal requests can be properly processed.
Some notes related to automated renewal:
- A cronjob for automated renewal is automatically installed.
- Please check if it is working correctly.
- After successful renewal an email will be sent to [email protected].
Some general notes:
- bin/certbot should not be invoked directly unless command line parameters are passed that point to certain (data) directories in userland. This can be easily achieved by invoking bin/certbot-runner instead which forwards the call and passes all arguments to bin/certbot.