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ColiVara TypeScript SDK

Official TypeScript SDK for ColiVara API - A powerful document processing and search platform. Checkout Colivara at

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npm install colivara-ts
# or
yarn add colivara-ts

Quick Start

import { ColiVara } from 'colivara-ts';

// Initialize the client
const client = new ColiVara('your-api-key');

// Example: Create a collection
async function createCollection() {
    try {
        const collection = await client.createCollection({
            name: 'my-collection',
            metadata: { description: 'My first collection' }
        console.log('Collection created:', collection);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error:', error);

// run the function createCollection

Basic Usage Examples

Working with Collections

// Create a collection
const collection = await client.createCollection({
    name: 'research',
    metadata: { topic: 'AI' }

// List all collections
const collections = await client.listCollections();

// Get a specific collection
const collection = await client.getCollection({
    collection_name: 'research'

Document Management

// Upload a document
const document = await client.upsertDocument({
    name: 'important-doc',
    collection_name: 'research',
    document_path: './path/to/document.pdf'

// Search documents
const searchResults = await{
    query: 'What is machine learning?',
    collection_name: 'research',
    top_k: 5

// Search using an image file
const imageSearchResults = await client.searchImage({
    collection_name: 'my-collection',
    image_path: './path/to/image.jpg',
    top_k: 5

Creating Embeddings

// Create embeddings for text
const embeddings = await client.createEmbedding({
    input_data: 'What is artificial intelligence?',
    task: 'query'

// Create embeddings for images
const imageEmbeddings = await client.createEmbedding({
    input_data: ['./path/to/image1.jpg', './path/to/image2.jpg'],
    task: 'image'

API Documentation

Collections API

  • createCollection({ name, metadata? })
  • getCollection({ collection_name })
  • listCollections()
  • deleteCollection({ collection_name })
  • partialUpdateCollection({ collection_name, name?, metadata? })

Documents API

  • upsertDocument({ name, metadata?, collection_name?, document_url?, document_base64?, document_path?, wait?, use_proxy? })
  • getDocument({ document_name, collection_name?, expand? })
  • listDocuments({ collection_name?, expand? })
  • deleteDocument({ document_name, collection_name? })
  • partialUpdateDocument({ document_name, ...options })

Search API

  • search({ query, collection_name?, top_k?, query_filter? })
  • searchImage({ collection_name, image_path?, image_base64?, top_k?, query_filter? })

Embeddings API

  • createEmbedding({ input_data, task? })

Webhooks API

  • addWebhook({ url })
  • validateWebhook({ webhook_secret, payload, headers })

Health API

  • checkHealth()


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Development Setup

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Install dependencies
npm install

# regenerate the sdk client
openapi-generator generate -i -g typescript-axios -o . --config config.yaml 

# Run tests
npm test

# Build the package
npm run build


  • Write tests for new features in the __tests__ directory
  • Ensure all tests pass before submitting PR
  • Maintain test coverage above 99%


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.