By Tim Henderson
Copyright 2014-2017, All Rights Reserved. Made available for public use under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause license.
is a full lexical analysis framework for the Go programming
language. It supports a restricted but usable set of regular expressions
appropriate for writing lexers for complex programming languages. The framework
also supports sub lexers and non-regular lexing through an "escape hatch" which
allows the users to consume any number of further bytes after a match. So if you
want to support nested C-style comments or other paired structures you can do so
at the lexical analysis stage.
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intends to be the best, fastest, and easiest to use lexical
analysis system for Go.
- Documentation Links
- Narrative Documentation
- Regular Expressions in
- History
- Complete Example
- Tutorial
- How It Works
- Narrative Documentation
- Using
Required reading if you want to uselexmachine
with the standard yacc implementation for Go (or its derivatives).
includes the following components
- A parser for restricted set of regular expressions.
- A abstract syntax tree (AST) for regular expressions.
- A backpatching code generator which compiles the AST to (NFA) machine code.
- Both DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata) and a NFA (Non-deterministic Finite Automata) simulation based lexical analysis engines. Lexical analysis engines work in a slightly different way from a normal regular expression engine as they tokenize a stream rather than matching one string.
- Match objects which include start and end column and line numbers of the lexemes as well as their associate token name.
- A declarative "DSL" for specifying the lexers.
- An "escape hatch" which allows one to match non-regular tokens by consuming any number of further bytes after the match.
splits strings into substrings and categorizes each substring. In
compiler design, the substrings are referred to as lexemes and the
categories are referred to as token types or just tokens. The categories are
defined by patterns which are specified using regular
expressions. The process of splitting up a string is
sometimes called tokenization, lexical analysis, or lexing.
The set of patterns (regular expressions) used to tokenize (split up and
categorize) is called a lexer. Lexer's are first class objects in
. They can be defined once and re-used over and over-again to
tokenize multiple strings. After the lexer has been defined it will be compiled
(either explicitly or implicitly) into either a Non-deterministic Finite
Automaton (NFA) or Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA). The automaton is then
used (and re-used) to tokenize strings.
lexer := lexmachine.NewLexer()
Let's pretend we want a lexer which only recognizes one category: strings which
match the word "wild" capitalized or not (eg. Wild, wild, WILD, ...). That
expression is denoted: [Ww][Ii][Ll][Dd]
. Patterns are added using the Add
lexer.Add([]byte(`[Ww][Ii][Ll][Dd]`), func(s *lexmachine.Scanner, m *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
return 0, nil
Add takes two arguments: the pattern and a call back function called a lexing
action. The action allows you, the programmer, to transform the low level
object (from
) into a object
meaningful for your program. As an example, let's define a few token types, and
a token object. Then we will construct appropriate action functions.
Tokens := []string{
TokenIds := make(map[string]int)
for i, tok := range Tokens {
TokenIds[tok] = i
Now that we have defined a set of three tokens (WILD, SPACE, BANG), let's create a token object:
type Token struct {
TokenType int
Lexeme string
Match *machines.Match
Now let's make a helper function which takes a Match
and a token type and
creates a Token.
func NewToken(tokenType string, m *machines.Match) *Token {
return &Token{
TokenType: TokenIds[tokenType], // defined above
Lexeme: string(m.Bytes),
Match: m,
Now we write an action for the previous pattern
lexer.Add([]byte(`[Ww][Ii][Ll][Dd]`), func(s *lexmachine.Scanner, m *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
return NewToken("WILD", m), nil
Writing the action functions can get tedious, a good idea is to create a helper function which produces these action functions:
func token(tokenType string) func(*lexmachine.Scanner, *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
return func(s *lexmachine.Scanner, m *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
return NewToken(tokenType, m), nil
Then adding patterns for our 3 tokens is concise:
lexer.Add([]byte(`[Ww][Ii][Ll][Dd]`), token("WILD"))
lexer.Add([]byte(` `), token("SPACE"))
lexer.Add([]byte(`!`), token("BANG"))
Many programs use similar representations for tokens. lexmachine
provides a
completely optional Token
object you can use in lieu of writing your own.
type Token struct {
Type int
Value interface{}
Lexeme []byte
TC int
StartLine int
StartColumn int
EndLine int
EndColumn int
Here is an example for constructing a lexer Action which turns a machines.Match struct into a token using the scanners Token helper function.
func token(name string, tokenIds map[string]int) lex.Action {
return func(s *lex.Scanner, m *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
return s.Token(tokenIds[name], string(m.Bytes), m), nil
When constructing a lexer for a complex computer language often tokens have patterns which overlap -- multiple patterns could match the same strings. To address this problem lexical analysis engines follow 2 rules when choosing which pattern to match:
- Pick the pattern which matches the longest prefix of unmatched text.
- Break ties by picking the pattern which appears earlier in the user supplied list.
For example, let's pretend we are writing a lexer for Python. Python has a bunch
of keywords in it such as class
and def
. However, it also has identifiers
which match the pattern [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*
. That pattern also matches the
keywords, if we were to define the lexer as:
lexer.Add([]byte(`[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*`), token("ID"))
lexer.Add([]byte(`class`), token("CLASS"))
lexer.Add([]byte(`def`), token("DEF"))
Then, the keywords class and def would never be found because the ID token would take precedence. The correct way to solve this problem is by putting the keywords first:
lexer.Add([]byte(`class`), token("CLASS"))
lexer.Add([]byte(`def`), token("DEF"))
lexer.Add([]byte(`[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*`), token("ID"))
Sometimes it is advantageous to not emit tokens for certain patterns and to
instead skip them. Commonly this occurs for whitespace and comments. To skip a
pattern simply have the action return nil, nil
[]byte("( |\t|\n)"),
func(scan *Scanner, match *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
// skip white space
return nil, nil
func(scan *Scanner, match *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
// skip white space
return nil, nil
uses the theory of finite state
to efficiently tokenize text. So what is a finite state machine? A finite state
machine is a mathematical construct which is made up of a set of states, with a
labeled starting state, and accepting states. There is a transition function
which moves from one state to another state based on an input character. In
general, in lexing there are two usual types of state machines used:
Non-deterministic and Deterministic.
Before a lexer (like the ones described above) can be used it must be compiled into either a Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) or a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA). The difference between the two (from a practical perspective) is construction time and match efficiency.
Construction time is the amount of time it takes to turn a set of regular
expressions into a state machine (also called a finite state automaton). For an
NFA it is O(r
) which r
is the length of the regular expression. However, for
DFA it could be as bad as O(2^r
) but in practical terms it is rarely worse
than O(r^3
). The DFA's in lexmachine
are also automatically minimized which
reduces the amount of memory they consume which takes O(r*log(log(r))
) steps.
However, construction time is an upfront cost. If your program is tokenizing
multiple strings it is less important than match efficiency. Let's say a string
has length n
. An NFA can tokenize such a string in O(n*r
) steps while a DFA
can tokenize the string in O(n
). For larger languages r
becomes a
significant overhead.
By default, lexmachine
uses a DFA. To explicitly invoke compilation call
err := lexer.Compile()
if err != nil {
// handle err
To explicitly compile a DFA (in case of changes to the default behavior of Compile):
err := lexer.CompileDFA()
if err != nil {
// handle err
To explicitly compile a NFA:
err := lexer.CompileNFA()
if err != nil {
// handle err
To tokenize (lex) a string construct a Scanner
object using the lexer. This
will compile the lexer if it has not already been compiled.
scanner, err := lexer.Scanner([]byte("some text to lex"))
if err != nil {
// handle err
The scanner object is an iterator which yields the next token (or error) by
calling the Next()
for tok, err, eos := scanner.Next(); !eos; tok, err, eos = scanner.Next() {
if ui, is := err.(*machines.UnconsumedInput); is {
// skip the error via:
// scanner.TC = ui.FailTC
return err
} else if err != nil {
return err
Let's break down that first line:
for tok, err, eos := scanner.Next();
The Next()
method returns three things, the token (tok
) if there is one, an
error (err
) if there is one, and eos
which is a boolean which indicates if
the End Of String (EOS) has been reached.
; !eos;
Iteration proceeds until the EOS has been reached.
; tok, err, eos = scanner.Next() {
The update block calls Next()
again to get the next token. In each iteration
of the loop the first thing a client must do is check for an error.
if err != nil {
return err
This prevents an infinite loop on an unexpected character or other bad token. To
skip bad tokens check to see if the err
is a *machines.UnconsumedInput
object and reset the scanners text counter (scanner.TC
) to point to the end of
the failed token.
if ui, is := err.(*machines.UnconsumedInput); is {
scanner.TC = ui.FailTC
Finally, a client can make use of the token produced by the scanner (if there was no error:
like most lexical analysis frameworks primarily deals with patterns
which are represented by regular expressions. However, sometimes a language
has a token which is "non-regular." A pattern is non-regular if there is no
regular expression (or finite automata) which can express the pattern. For
instance, if you wanted to define a pattern which matches only consecutive
balanced parentheses: ()
, ()()()
, ((()()))()()
, ... You would quickly find
there is no regular expression which can express this language. The reason is
simple: finite automata cannot "count" or keep track of how many opening
parentheses it has seen.
This problem arises in many programming languages when dealing with nested
"c-style" comments. Supporting the nesting means solving the "balanced
parenthesis" problem. Luckily, lexmachine
provides an "escape-hatch" to deal
with these situations in the Action
functions. All actions receive a pointer
to the Scanner
. The scanner (as discussed above) has a public modifiable field
called TC
which stands for text counter. Any action can modify the text
counter to point at the desired position it would like the scanner to resume
scanning from.
An example of using this feature for tokenizing nested "c-style" comments is below:
func(scan *Scanner, match *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
for tc := scan.TC; tc < len(scan.Text); tc++ {
if scan.Text[tc] == '\\' {
// the next character is skipped
} else if scan.Text[tc] == '*' && tc+1 < len(scan.Text) {
if scan.Text[tc+1] == '/' {
// set the text counter to point to after the
// end of the comment. This will cause the
// scanner to resume after the comment instead
// of picking up in the middle.
scan.TC = tc + 2
// don't return a token to skip the comment
return nil, nil
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("unclosed comment starting at %d, (%d, %d)",
match.TC, match.StartLine, match.StartColumn)
Lexmachine (like most lexical analysis frameworks) uses Regular Expressions to specify the patterns to match when splitting the string up into categorized tokens. For a more advanced introduction to regular expressions engines see Russ Cox's articles. To learn more about how regular expressions are used to tokenize string take a look at Alex Aiken's video lectures on the subject. Finally, Aho et al. give a through treatment of the subject in the Dragon Book Chapter 3.
A regular expression is a pattern which matches a set of strings. It is made
up of characters such as a
or b
, characters with special meanings (such as
which matches any character), and operators. The regular expression abc
matches exactly one string abc
In lexmachine most characters (eg. a
, b
or #
) represent themselves. Some
have special meanings (as detailed below in operators). However, all characters
can be represented by prefixing the character with a \
matches any character.
to match- newline use
to match - carriage return use
to match - tab use
to match .
to match- operators: {
} prefix with a\
to match.
Sometimes it is advantages to match a variety of characters. For instance, if
you want to ignore capitalization for the work Capitol
you could write the
expression [Cc]apitol
which would match both Capitol
or capitol
. There are
two forms of character ranges:
matches all the letters inside the[]
(eg. that pattern matches the stringsa
matches the range of characters between the character before the dash (a
) and the character after the dash (d
) (eg. that pattern matches the stringsa
These two forms may be combined:
For instance, [a-zA-Z123]
matches the strings {a
, b
, ..., z
, A
, B
... Z
, 1
, 2
, 3
Sometimes it is easier to specify the characters you don't want to match than
the characters you do. For instance, you want to match any character but a lower
case one. This can be achieved using an inverted class: [^a-z]
. An inverted
class is specified by putting a ^
just after the opening bracket.
(the digit class)\D
(the not a digit class)\s
=[ \t\n\r\f]
(the space class). where \f is a form feed (note: \f is not a special sequence in lexmachine, if you want to specify the form feed character (ascii 0x0c) use []byte{12}.\S
=[^ \t\n\r\f]
(the not a space class)\w
(the letter class)\W
(the not a letter class)
The pipe operator
indicates alternative choices. For instance the expressiona|b
matches either the stringa
or the stringb
but notab
or the empty string. -
The parenthesis operator
groups a subexpression together. For instance the expressiona(b|c)d
but notabcd
. -
The star operator
indicates the "starred" subexpression should match zero or more times. For instance,a*
matches the empty string,a
and so on. -
The plus operator
indicates the "plussed" subexpression should match one or more times. For instance,a+
and so on. -
The maybe operator
indicates the "questioned" subexpression should match zero or one times. For instance,a?
matches the empty string anda
The canonical grammar is found in the handwritten recursive descent parser. This section should be considered documentation not specification.
Note: e stands for the empty string
Regex -> Alternation
Alternation -> AtomicOps Alternation'
Alternation' -> `|` AtomicOps Alternation'
| e
AtomicOps -> AtomicOp AtomicOps
| e
AtomicOp -> Atomic
| Atomic Ops
Ops -> Op Ops
| e
Op -> `+`
| `*`
| `?`
Atomic -> Char
| Group
Group -> `(` Alternation `)`
Char -> CHAR
| CharClass
CharClass -> `[` Range `]`
| `[` `^` Range `]`
Range -> CharClassItem Range'
Range' -> CharClassItem Range'
| e
CharClassItem -> BYTE
-> BYTE `-` BYTE
CHAR -> matches any character except '|', '+', '*', '?', '(', ')', '[', ']', '^'
unless escaped. Additionally '.' is returned as the wildcard character
which matches any character. Built-in character classes are also handled
BYTE -> matches any byte
This library was started when I was teaching EECS 337 Compiler Design and Implementation at Case Western Reserve University in Fall of 2014. It wrote two compilers one was "hidden" from the students as the language implemented was their project language. The other was tcel which was written initially as an example of how to do type checking. That compiler was later expanded to explain AST interpretation, intermediate code generation, and x86 code generation.
package main
import (
import (
func main() {
s, err := Lexer.Scanner([]byte(`digraph {
a [label="a" shape=box];
c [<label>=<<u>C</u>>];
b [label="bb"];
a -> c;
c -> b;
d -> c;
b -> a;
b -> e;
e -> f;
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Type | Lexeme | Position")
for tok, err, eof := s.Next(); !eof; tok, err, eof = s.Next() {
if ui, is := err.(*machines.UnconsumedInput); is{
// to skip bad token do:
// s.TC = ui.FailTC
log.Fatal(err) // however, we will just fail the program
} else if err != nil {
token := tok.(*lexmachine.Token)
fmt.Printf("%-7v | %-10v | %v:%v-%v:%v\n",
package main
import (
import (
var Literals []string // The tokens representing literal strings
var Keywords []string // The keyword tokens
var Tokens []string // All of the tokens (including literals and keywords)
var TokenIds map[string]int // A map from the token names to their int ids
var Lexer *lexmachine.Lexer // The lexer object. Use this to construct a Scanner
// Called at package initialization. Creates the lexer and populates token lists.
func init() {
var err error
Lexer, err = initLexer()
if err != nil {
func initTokens() {
Literals = []string{
Keywords = []string{
Tokens = []string{
Tokens = append(Tokens, Keywords...)
Tokens = append(Tokens, Literals...)
TokenIds = make(map[string]int)
for i, tok := range Tokens {
TokenIds[tok] = i
// Creates the lexer object and compiles the NFA.
func initLexer() (*lexmachine.Lexer, error) {
lexer := lexmachine.NewLexer()
for _, lit := range Literals {
r := "\\" + strings.Join(strings.Split(lit, ""), "\\")
lexer.Add([]byte(r), token(lit))
for _, name := range Keywords {
lexer.Add([]byte(strings.ToLower(name)), token(name))
lexer.Add([]byte(`//[^\n]*\n?`), token("COMMENT"))
lexer.Add([]byte(`/\*([^*]|\r|\n|(\*+([^*/]|\r|\n)))*\*+/`), token("COMMENT"))
lexer.Add([]byte(`([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|_)+`), token("ID"))
lexer.Add([]byte(`[0-9]*\.[0-9]+`), token("ID"))
func(scan *lexmachine.Scanner, match *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
x, _ := token("ID")(scan, match)
t := x.(*lexmachine.Token)
v := t.Value.(string)
t.Value = v[1 : len(v)-1]
return t, nil
lexer.Add([]byte("( |\t|\n|\r)+"), skip)
func(scan *lexmachine.Scanner, match *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
str := make([]byte, 0, 10)
str = append(str, match.Bytes...)
brackets := 1
match.EndLine = match.StartLine
match.EndColumn = match.StartColumn
for tc := scan.TC; tc < len(scan.Text); tc++ {
str = append(str, scan.Text[tc])
match.EndColumn += 1
if scan.Text[tc] == '\n' {
match.EndLine += 1
if scan.Text[tc] == '<' {
brackets += 1
} else if scan.Text[tc] == '>' {
brackets -= 1
if brackets == 0 {
match.TC = scan.TC
scan.TC = tc + 1
match.Bytes = str
x, _ := token("ID")(scan, match)
t := x.(*lexmachine.Token)
v := t.Value.(string)
t.Value = v[1 : len(v)-1]
return t, nil
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("unclosed HTML literal starting at %d, (%d, %d)",
match.TC, match.StartLine, match.StartColumn)
err := lexer.Compile()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return lexer, nil
// a lexmachine.Action function which skips the match.
func skip(*lexmachine.Scanner, *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, nil
// a lexmachine.Action function with constructs a Token of the given token type by
// the token type's name.
func token(name string) lexmachine.Action {
return func(s *lexmachine.Scanner, m *machines.Match) (interface{}, error) {
return s.Token(TokenIds[name], string(m.Bytes), m), nil