Northcoders News is a Reddit-style website, with a RESTful API. It has a database of articles created by users, with functionality to add comments to articles. It is possible to vote (up or down) on all articles and comments. For further information on the API's routes check the Routes heading below. The API is built using Node.js (v9.11.1), MongoDB (v3.6.3), Express (v4.14.0) and Mongoose (v5.0.11). The testing suite is comprised of Mocha (v5.1.0), Chai Assertion Library (v4.1.2) and the npm package Supertest (v3.0.0). Try it out on Heroku here. The Database is hosted on MLab.
In order to get a local copy of the project for testing and development purposes, please follow these steps:
Ensure you have the following installed:
npm --v
mongo --version
git --version
Clone this repository:
git clone
Navigate (cd) into the cloned repository, then install all dependencies using node:
npm install
Run MongoDB to give the API access to the local database:
NOTE: At this point you will need to create a config folder at root level for the test and development process.env.NODE_ENV.
process.env.NODE_ENV will need to default to 'development'. You can do this by creating an index file that will fetch the DB_URL and PORT from the appropriate config file, depending on the node enviroment that is being run. You can do this with the following code:
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development";
module.exports = require(`./${process.env.NODE_ENV}`);
In a new terminal window, seed the development database:
npm run seed:dev
Run the server on your local machine:
npm run development
This will allow the API to be accessed through the PORT specified in your development config file.
In order to run the tests on the various endpoints you will need to install:
npm i mocha
npm i chai
The npm package Supertest
npm i supertest
There is no need to seed the test database before running the tests and it will be seeded before every test is run, nor will you need to set a PORT for test in your config folder as supertest will handle this with it's virtual server. Should you wish to seed the test database manually, you can with the following command:
npm run seed:text
To run the test, run the following:
npm t
The following routes are available on the API:
GET /api
Serves an HTML page with documentation for all the available endpoints
GET /api/topics
Get all the topics
GET /api/topics/:topic_id/articles
Return all the articles for a certain topic
GET /api/articles
Returns all the articles
GET /api/:article_id
Get an individual article
GET /api/articles/:article_id/comments
Get all the comments for a individual article
POST /api/articles/:article_id/comments
Add a new comment to an article. This route requires a JSON body with a comment key and value pair e.g: {"comment": "This is my new comment"}
PUT /api/articles/:article_id
Increment or Decrement the votes of an article by one. This route requires a vote query of 'up' or 'down' e.g: /api/articles/:article_id?vote=up
PUT /api/comments/:comment_id
Increment or Decrement the votes of a comment by one. This route requires a vote query of 'up' or 'down' e.g: /api/comments/:comment_id?vote=down
DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id
Deletes a comment
GET /api/users
Returns a JSON object with all users
GET /api/users/:username
Returns a JSON object with the profile data for the specified user
- Tim Hamrouge