Releases: thurask/bbdownloader
Fix error with Serial Number in SysInfo
Refactor most of the C++
Replace JS EScreens generator with Qt EScreens generator
Add Flurry Analytics:
No user data is transmitted, just event notifications (EScreen code generated, nomedia file created, that stuff). All transfers are with SSL, as opposed to the unencrypted sample app. Trying to get a feel for how this app is being used.
Lookup LED is white for invalid/non-production, magenta for valid
Core, debrick links split up (to avoid overflowing TextArea)
Hardcoded pixel values replaced with design units
Move link generator check boxes to separate sheet
Add (obsolete) link generator options, because completeness
Make Hash Tools page more compact
Add uptime (dd:hh:mm) to SysInfo, disable SD card info if not present
Add some extra info to exported links
Passport keyboard now properly scrolls ListView/ScrollView
Add old metadata to runtime grabber (constant, just to make it look nice)
Add git-archive prettiness (works with GitHub .zip downloads!)
Add ONE LAST 4.x release for those stuck on 10.3.0; 10.2.1, you're on your own
Edit 2015/01/26: Fixed 10.3.0 bar not working on 10.3.0