Please ensure that you have installed the Android SDK, also your development environment is configured to build ThorVG Android
$git clone
$git submodule init --resursive
Please refer to ThorVG for detailed information on setting up the ThorVG build environment.
Follow these steps to cross-build ThorVG Android library.
Prepare for cross-building by executing the lottie:setupCrossBuild task. To build for arm64, use 1 as the value for 'abi'. For x86_64, use 2.
gradle lottie:setupCrossBuild -Pabi=1
Execute script to perform cross-building.
Copy the generated libthorvg.a to the thorvg/lib directory using the script. If the first argument is 1, the library will be copied to the thorvg/lib/arm64-v8a/ directory. If it is 2, it will be copied to the thorvg/lib/x86_64/ directory.
./ 1
Build and package the thorvg-android project.